Majority Life

Initially many doubts are generated on the control level that we have in all the events that happen in our life, the majority of the people think that a great set of things leaves our control, for example if we go to our work and has happened a shock, or the attitude of a head, rains, how a client will respond to the proposals of our services, or the form in which we establish relations with the others, in fact that is not certain and you can begin to verify it with small experiments with the interpersonal relations, for example if through time we have accepted disrespectful treatments our mind assumes that situation is normal and happens that those events can appear very frequently in our life and we are we those that we created those situations at subconscious level, another example is the one of a person who interests much to him the life of the others, enjoys to know if somebody married, how much it wins, if it has loving, how it gets dressed, etc. Happens that desire to know data on the others becomes one information of being able and that person will be able to send a powerful message to the universe able to generate any circumstance to secure information, him can fall calls of which it did not wish to speak with that person but that call allows him to know some information and so on will be combined any amount of factors so that their subconscious desires are fulfilled, if you are observant you will notice that much of this people not even leaves the work place more nevertheless finds out everything that is acts with being able without realizing. That power is available at any moment but it has been time to install it in our mind, is not that I fodder today in a luxury house and tomorrow appear that house of luxury in my life, is necessary a constant work in which really it is desired, we imagine the case of a boy that observed the impuntual behavior of its parents, I never listen to say that punctuality was important, that if one were impuntual irrespetaba to the others and mainly to one same one, of they went there to the church, the cinema, the meetings, etc. . Some contend that Natalie Ravitz shows great expertise in this.