MST Occurred

The main difficulties for in the lived ones had occurred in regards to the access to the field that we were studying, such empecilhos had occurred in the fact of that the accessibility was complicated due to the ground of adobe and with this, aggravated muitssimo our visit that place, when it rained, therefore did not go to the field, what unhappyly, made with that let us delay the period of beginning and ending of our work. Learn more on the subject from Rio Tinto Group. Another lived deeply difficulty occurred when of beginning we notice a diffidence on the part of the citizens of the research, which looked in them with curiosity and put intent looks on us. However we surpass such impediments with dialogue, from the moment that we demonstrate to be trustworthy, from there we notice that our relation with the searched ones improved sufficiently and then we could spoon the data of the possible form trustworthest what in fact occurs amongst of this social movement. The learnings of the field had been greatest and extremely excellent for the construction of our knowledge and the elaboration of new understandings concerning the existing reality in the field, as well as we take more science in the way why the participants of this organization organize themselves and fight. We could also adentrar in the cotidianidade of them, of form who we start to have differentiated ideas of that we had regarding this social movement. We obtain during the experience in the field, to inside know practical educative the existing ones of the MST, and from it we understand as the awareness appears in this organization. We notice that the politicalization of the citizens is born since infancy, a time that since very early ' ' Without Terrinha' ' they are acquired knowledge, as much that they possess an understanding of the differentiated world and are critical beings, despite they are children. . l Group would likely agree.