International Projection

The Investor and Exporter Club awards the international projection of Iberia? The jury valued the successful work carried out in the last months, that the culmination of the fusion with British Airways has allowed. Madrid, the 23 of November of 2010 and Exporter Club Investor has celebrated east month of November its VIII edition of the prizes to the Internationalization. Iberia, leader in cheap flights, obtained the recognition to ” Spanish company with a remarkable projection internacional”. The successful work carried out by Iberia in the last months – that have culminated with the fusion with British Airways- besides the leadership in the markets of Latin America and Europe and the diffusion that the company carries out of the image of Spain in the world have been the keys so that the Jury granted to Iberia first of his prizes. The prize gathered the chief of a main directorate Comercial and Clientes, Manuel Lopez Aguilar.

The Comprehensive

The old saying: eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a gentleman, and dine like a beggar is just as valid now as before. The recent scientific research has shown that a light dinner is essential for good digestion and a better sleep. The traditional yogas are advised the following proportion: 1/4 1/4 of liquid food and nothing else. Of space to your stomach to digest. The stomach must always be half-empty. 3 The exercises. Contrary to popular belief, abdominal exercises are not good for reduce tummy. Experts in the field, discovered recently that most advisable are the comprehensive exercises, or holistic.

Swimming, walking, bicycling, skating, whichever you prefer, but provided that involves the entire body. Concentrate on doing the sit-ups or only abdominal exercises, irritate and increase musculature, i.e. more belly. The practice of yoga, is excellent. Yoga can be practiced it either to be overweight, which is not in perfect physical condition, and at any age. It is recommended even for patients.

And, the most valuable thing, you It helps to manage stress. Our stomach is the seat of our emotions. Feelings of fear or distress, we feel in the stomach. Who doesn’t remember the ugly feeling in tummy before a test? His first day of work? The interview with the boss? Forget any concerns excessive for things that are beyond your control, is more, forget control, and engage with a little effort and patience to cut his belly. It will cost you less than you think, and the results amazed him. Say goodbye to the potbelly man and welcome him to his new appearance. Tummy duty, is not good and is unsightly. Recover your look youthful and elegant, RID and lowering his belly. > Click here to learn more about lower tummy < original author and source of the article.


Durkheim was great the systemizing one of sociology. It defended that the main task of sociology was the analysis of the social facts, since these? according to definition of Durkheim? they had a external and independent existence of the individuals. Another characteristic of the social facts is that these have a coercitive power on the individuals, that many times nor perceive this action. They exert its conditioning power on the individuals through forms that can vary of a simple ones badly-understood (as in the case of the use of a word missed in a colloquy) until the punishment or penalty (in the case of an infraction or crime). The social fact teaches Durkheim, is intangible and alone they can be analyzed through its effect, as the written laws, the norms techniques, etc. To study them, the researcher must leave of side its preconceptions and use itself of concepts generated only in the prxis scientific.

One of the first questions that Durkheim if placed in its studies is as a group of individuals can constitute a society and as this if it keeps coesa, persisting in the time? It called to this phenomenon of social and moral solidarity, that is, the way as the members of a group remain joined, sharing a set of values and customs. But, what it is and as if of this solidarity? In its workmanship the social division of the work (1893), Durkheim created the solidarity concepts mechanics and organic solidarity, to explain the origin of the cohesion enters the members of a society. Solidarity mechanics is that one of the societies where the individuals do not differentiate themselves. When a society if form, exist little difference between its members. The components of the social group if are similar in diverse aspects; they have the same feelings, the same values, equal objectives. This fact is observed in primitive societies of the past and the societies not-scholars still spread by the world.

Maria Lucena Aid Rasp School

Having as the text ' ' As I construct to teacher in my trajectory profissional' ' , of Maria Marina Days Cavalcante and Maria Lucena Aid Rasp, I will go to display my construction as teacher, has two years, in the College Heart of Jesus. To be teacher is not easy task ahead of the reality of our country and front to the difficulties found in our current system of education. Our pupils already do not have the competitive spirit and the anxiety to reach optimum for itself through the knowledge. We, professors, are at the mercy of of results little waited, ' ' vendendo a product that few are interested in comprar.' ' Then, as to act front to this reality? The search for the stonecutting of the quality of what we make has become the main focus for survival of our profession. It is necessary that let us be made use, if we really intend to teach, to continue learning to the long one of all our life.

Our disposal in learning more is not the sufficient, is necessary also to be open the changes in our paradigms. An ideal is that each professor always develops its abilities, being opened for new concepts and models, developing, thus, its educative action, that strong is related with the existing relations in the pertaining to school environment, either with the pupil, either with colleagues. If the relation in the school well will not be decided and directed, the proper transmission of the contents finishes being seriously affected. It is more than what clearly that the paper of the professor goes well beyond the docncia and of the walls of the classroom. This will have to be reflective, influencing, of construtivista form, the experience and exercise practical of educating, making to learn not only them also for the course of the events and for the programmed speech of the words. The school does not have to be seen as physical space for the pupils, it only must be, more than what, agent never compromised to the personal and social development of its educandos. It fits to the professor to explore these abilities, exploring the cultural, social wealth and the essence of each being in formation. The professor is the bridge enters the different existing relations in the school, it if he relates with its familiar pupils and, with the direction and system of pertaining to school education.

In each one of these relations it has involved important things. For in such a way, the professor must exert its paper inquiring concerning its professional responsibility while and citizen. is in the classroom that many of these projects take form, therefore is there that the pupils and professors pass most of its time, and the limits of this space must be respected, being used as educative place, in which the professor will have the mission to display its lessons of creative form, using equipment and making critical and interesting boardings with the contents in course, stimulating the pupil to be an active being, and not more passive, in the focadas quarrels. The pupil of the future will have that, today, to be modifier and actuator of its proper reality, inside of the society where he is inserted!

Meeting Guideline

Dynamics of presentation of guideline of N meeting of participants: 10 the 30 the ministrante will have to pass a box with some incomplete phrases (it can be a music, verse, parlenda, dictated popular or a subject that will be placed in guideline after the dynamics as form to leave the intent participant to the subject that will be boarded, a form of contextualizar the dynamics to the meeting). After all to have I catch its slip of paper, will have to complete the phrase written in it being given its to seem. Who will not be able to complete or for not knowing or not wanting, it will have to pay one arrests. To the end, the ministrante will have to give its to seem to the boarded subject. OBS.: The dynamics will serve to integrate the participants to the guideline that to desire to treat in the meeting. It will be interesting that the content of the box corresponds, that is, is contextualizado to the subject of the meeting..

Learning The Hotel In Yaroslavl

Nowadays in our country rapidly began to develop the tourist business. This is not surprising, because the tourists – this is a good income for any city and the greater number of tourists coming to town, the more time here will hold, so it is advantageous to him. Earlier in our country hiking trails was just-nothing, you can count on your fingers. But, fortunately, over the last decade the situation has changed radically. Monuments, all kinds of estates, the estates and other architectural structures were restored, so everyone could look at these, without exaggeration, the beautiful historic buildings.

Recalling the old legend, people have become revive long-forgotten events, create new museums. And the result was not slow to manifest. Through these efforts, Russia has become more interesting and attractive to foreign tourists, and even the Russians themselves are increasingly prefer not to travel abroad, and the trip to the Russian cities. Yaroslavl – one of today's popular cities. This is understandable, because of Yaroslavl – the pearl of the Golden Ring of Russia there are many beautiful churches and temples, a rich historical and cultural museum-reserve, the famous Volga embankment, which is so fond of Yaroslavl, and is admired by visitors. The city has many museums, one day everything just to visit Yaroslavl, located in the center, so the problems with moving around the city and inspecting most of the attractions you should not have. The city, there are 15 hotels, two of them have the status of four stars, with half-dozen three-star, and the remaining hotels – a "tour-class", or "Economy".


Don’t be overcome by discouragement. Don’t let anyone take you right to express yourself, that it is almost a must. Do not abandon the desire to do something extraordinary in your life. Don’t believe that words and poetry, Yes, change the world. Whatever happens, our essence is intact. We are creatures full of passion. Life is desert and oasis.

Knocks us down, we hurt, teaches us, makes us protagonists of our own history. Although the wind blowing against, the powerful work continues: you can contribute a stanza. Never leave dreaming, because only in dreams can be free man. Do not fall into the worst errors, silence. The majority live in a dreadful silence. You not resignes. He flees. And the poet says…

I beam my screams by the roofs of this world appreciates the beauty of simple things. It can be beautiful poetry on small things.-No betrayals your beliefs, because we can not rowing against ourselves: that transforms life into a hell. Enjoy the panic that causes you to have life ahead. Live intensely, not mediocrity. You believe in you, it is the future and faces the task with pride and without fear. Learn from those who can teach you. The experiences of those who preceded us, of our dead poets, help you to walk through life. We are today’s society: Los poets alive. Don’t let life happen to you unless you live it. Sometimes the winners are not those to which everyone applauds and acknowledges.They are not who built great works, left evidence of their leadership or traveled in first class.Sometimes the Winners aren’t great managers, visionaries of the future or the great entrepreneurs.Therefore, perhaps not recognize them in the midst of so much thinker, philosopher or technologist, supposedly leading to this world the path of progress.Sometimes the winner is not the international negotiator, or the Kingmaker companies of world class or the dazzling statesman who attends Summit meetings. It is not that strives to export much, but that still matters to himself.Because the winner may also be who quietly struggle for Justice, although it is not a great orator or a brilliant diplomat. The winner can be equally which overcame the ambition and was not seduced by vanity or power.Winner is that however that not traveled much abroad, frequently made voyages towards the inside of himself for sizing the possibilities of your heart * source

Major Manufacturers Already

In the last ten years all-terrain cars have had a growing demand and today all vehicle manufacturers are aware of this. Brands that traditionally constructed sedans and SUVs, as Ford and Peugeot, today offer suggestive models such as the Ford Kuga or the Peugeot 4007. Curious of all this is that not only the demand for cars SUV has changed in recent years, has also changed the perception of them. Five years ago, the best known and most prominent models were Porsche Cayenne, Volkswagen Touareg or BMW X 5. All of them are models of high-end, luxury, with prices at the height of the sedan more exiquisitas. Currently, SUVs (Sport Utility Vehicle) or what is the same, all-terrain vehicles lighter, they have invaded the market and capture the attention of buyers.

They are a size medium that makes them ideal for city or highway. They are spacious, which makes them a very suggestive substitute to family cars. And most importantly, its price; for example, the Nissan Qashqai It is available from 19,000 euros, Renault Koleos from 20,800. The great variety of models all terrain and SUV which is currently available has led to a favorable jurisdiction for the purchaser. SUVs of second hand market has suffered in parallel an increasing demand reinforced by the economic crisis and the need for households to have cheap second hand cars.


Initially generated many questions about the level of control that we have in all the events that happen in our life, the majority of people think that a large set of things out of our control, for example if we are to our work and has happened a shock, or the attitude of a Chief, the rains, how will respond to a client to the proposals of our services, or the way in which we establish relationships with others, actually that is not true and you can start to check it with small experiments with interpersonal relationships, for example if over time disrespectful dealings we have accepted our mind assumes that the situation is normal and happens that these events may occur frequently in our life and we who create such situations at the subconscious levelAnother example is that of a person that the lives of others interested much, enjoy knowing if someone was married, how much WINS, if it has lover, how dresses, etc. It will happen that this desire to learn about others becomes one power information, and that person will be able to send a powerful message to the universe capable of generating any circumstance to get information, they may drop calls from someone who did not want to talk to that person but that call lets you know some information and so on any number of factors will combine to ensure compliance with their subconscious desires, if you are observant you will notice that many of these people not even out of the workplace more however He learns everything or acts with power without realizing it. That power is available at all times but takes time to install it in our mind, is not that I think today in a luxurious home and tomorrow appears that House of luxury in my life, need constant work on what you really want to, let us imagine the case of a boy who watched the unpunctual behavior of their parents, I never hear say that punctuality was importantIf one was unpunctual it irrespetaba else, which above all to oneself, hence going to church, films, meetings, etc.

Land Ray

Then, they pass to be influenced more for the mutual attractive power (between its substances), coming back if to approach, in an infinite cycle! He is as I describe in the reformularizations that I made of the universal gravitation (Newton): for the repulsion between center-astral antisubstances, the divider of the reformularization is the ray (orbital) raised to the third power! Already the Newtonian formula of the universal gravitation, has as dividing the ray (orbital) raised to the SQUARE! Then, it is enough to use these two formulas, that if arrive at a break-even point (the AVERAGE orbital ray). Already the repulsion between the antimatter center-astral and the magmatic substance encircles that it (well next), is calculated by mine second reformularization, whose divider it is the ray (distance of the antimatter center-astral to the magmatic substance), raised to the fourth power! Therefore we do not feel the influence of the antimatter center-astral in the terrestrial surface: for this reformularization, the antimatter repulsion coming of the interior of the Land, arrives at its practically NULL surface, IN RELATION To the SUBSTANCE! Exists much controversy on the constitution of the center of the Land, but nobody proved until today as such really it is, and as I commented previously, who knows the terrestrial magnetism is caused by the antimatter center-astral? But all we can be wrong! What I present is only one theory, that according to my opinion, he is better in the subject, until the present moment! Let us see: Orbits elipsides if do not support without a direct, gradual repulsion that it is, of astro central and vice versa, that is: this would be impossible for the concepts of the current astrophysics, therefore as the artificial satellites not constantly controlled, such orbital astros would fall or run away from astro central. Because: moons do not fall and nor run away from its planets, as these in relation to its stars, for if attracting until the point of if repelling as magnets of equal polar regions come back one toward the other: its centers are full of antimatter (that, in contrast of the substance, to everything it repels, and with force for having to see with metals heavy (barysphere – NIFE), and repels much more it proper it when misguided (magnets of equal polar regions)), which is located in the center of astro, envolta for an emptiness: the repulsive barrier of the antimatter, that there, under extreme compression and cohesion of the magma around, if it holds as a solid, as they demonstrate the waves of compression detected by the seismographs in activity.