QUALITY OF TEACHING LIFE Ana Rbia Cirino Appeared Mnica de Jesus Nvia Jesus of the Patrician Carmo Sousa Pink Rodrigues Fernandes Rock Rosiene Sousa Saints 1 SUMMARY: This article is about a qualitative study whose objective is to approach on the quality of life of the professor (a), as the situations faced in the exercise of the profession influences the personal life of this professional and affects its health. For the development of this work, some readings and interviews with professors of the basic education of the public net had been carried through, in the city of Victory of the Conquest Ba. By means of the interviews it was possible to perceive and to better understand the subject according to look at of who lives this reality. Word-key: Profession. Quality of life. Professor Introduction As any professional, or as any worker, the professionals of the docncia meet with the inevitable evolution appeared in the end of century xx, unchaining some problematic questions for the field of education and mainly in the position of the teaching work, in its professional and personal life. This comes happening due to a set of heterogeneous circumstances, as the sped up development of the medias and the technological ways, thus breaching with the traditional barriers of time and space, transforming the world into a global and only system. The professional of the teaching faces innumerable difficulties in the exercise of its teaching profession. Amongst these difficulties they meet it lack of recognition on the part of the governing and the society, the pertaining to school environment many times inadequate for optimum development of its activity, and the illnesses reach that them. They are these professionals which come being attributed diverse functions in the daily one of its activities of work Teaching profession The teaching work is an activity psicossocial, that if develops in space contexts, secular, social, organizativos, with educative value and that in each circumstance it has singular and only aspects.