Public Sector

This extends the rude debt of the public sector. Being thus, when if it must invest to extend offers economic and the circulation of wealth in the country? It is in charge of the state to define lines of direction for investment, since the cost of capitalizaton of the companies is high (due to relation explained present and upstream value in the first paragraph). If the government is great the sufficient to inhibit investment projects, the infrastructure of the country is penalizada and with it all its economy. Brazil does not possess recesses in the budget for cuts that the tax of interests in short term reduces and extends private investment. If this politics is not simple, the form found for the government is public-private partnerships (PPP? s). The only problem of the partnerships is that it is not innovative, since many companies are partners of the government have years, had its largeness and influences. The companies delinquents do not resist the system and go to the bankruptcy.

What she influences the rise of the tax of interests? Beyond the size of the expenses of expenditure of the state, without little edge for reduction, they have the factor of growth of the aggregate demand pressured the prices of the internal goods, generating an inflationary flow. Another weight that I place in the inflation is the changeable wage negotiation influenced by the force of the unions in negotiations of the date base of careers. The value is always readjusted by passed inflation, generating unemployment to the disqualified workers and pressuring the prices of the managed goods, since they will be repassed the consumers. To get excited this, the prices would have to be competitive between the companies and the proper workers to negotiate with the masters a price of differentiated market to keep the businesses in full activity. It has that if to have in mind that the worker is one insumo productive and is paid for the economic growth of the company with the generation of its work. Coming back to all the factors that pressure the level of economic investment, Brazil when keeping a tax of interests raised, little space toward reduction of fiscal expenses and authorities with anxiety to intervine in the exchange, as the country can improve its portflio of investment with changeable ece of fishes in this article? The reply is complicated, still more that Brazil lacks of investment in basic and complex infrastructure and has for the front the two bigger esportivos events of the world. It is not easy task and the debate needs of amplitude!

Ministry Company

The observed maiorpercentagem is on account of the workers who earn between edois minimum wages that the 79,71% edge arrives. This if must to the wage table applied pelosindicato of the classroom of the segment of bars, restaurants, clubs would ehotelaria. Therefore, according to oadministrador of the entity, this situation of disparity enters the indices nocompromete the invoicing of the company, and still it protects the same one of sofrerqualquer type of sanction imposed for the regulating agencies, that is, Sindicatodos Diligent and Ministry of the Work. The change in these numbers that, if destaanlise perceives ahead, is are of the standards, do not imply in diminishing them and yes to emreadequar them, but, a decision of this transport, will depend on some factors. Suggest that, the dried leaf of payment either in those months where faturamentocai considerably on account of the sazonalidade and that at time of maiormovimento, either admitted a greater I number of collaborators. In the figure 2percebe that 68.11% had not received nor a type of professional qualification, eque only 11% had received training in the quality from attendance.

For being umaempresa lender of services, the same one will have to be worried in mainly giving maistreinamento to its collaborators in the area of aopblico attendance, characterizing its staff, the company will be improving the seuatendimento, therefore, it will more have professionals prepared to exert the suasfunes and at the same time it will be motivating its collaborators. What if it can analyze in figure 3 is that in the trimestrea room company has an index of 20,74% of invoicing, being the minor of the period. This value if of the one due to fall of movement of you house in the hotel porocasio of low the season. To verify the behavior of the daempresa invoicing, the data of the period had been arisen and are distributed in four trimesters.

Agrarian Venezuelan Corporation

A subject that it generates attention within the agenda is doubtless, the one of the project of a common currency according to advances of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. The proposal, that stops many critics is so difficult to obtain as before it was said of the Euro, has delineated a cronogram in which, before the establishment of a physical current currency, it happens through the creation of a unit of common account, identified like Sucre. This project is included in an ample program that includes from joint companies, denominated great-national, to land action of health and education. Indeed, Cuman, of around half million inhabitants, is about to constitute itself in soothes of the Fishing Fleet of the Dawn, one of the cooperation initiatives that look for the cheap food production. The company with 51 percent of action of the Agrarian Venezuelan Corporation and 49 percent of the Cuban company Pescavante, anticipates to have 30 boats and 38 centers of processing. Of course, another subject as already it has been mentioned is the result than it is agreed there to know how Venezuela our interest will confront the V Summit of the Americas to be celebrated the 17 of the present in Trinidad from the 17 to the 19 of April in Trinidad and Tobago. On the matter the president with his classic language said: ” The artillery ours is preparando” , where also it criticized the absence of Cuba of that type of meetings as a result of the attempts of the United States to isolate to the island.

As much Chvez, as the rest of the presidents of the nations of the DAWN, has expressed their opposition to the blockade American to Cuba and several advanced that they will express his position to the American president, Barack Obama, in Trinidad and Tobago. Concretely, president Chvez expressed that the agenda corresponds with a indetenible dynamics based on an intense work that it looks for to fortify the alternative relations, geopolitical in economic, power, social and cultural the aspect. This form part of the great project. The National Project Simon Bolivar cannot be understood without a geopolitical frame, this one so that is viable requires a world to pluripolar, ” when there are to choose between several ways, it always chooses the way of the heart.

Districts Industries

Amongst the innumerable questions that the subject in screen presents one is of preliminary order and says respect to the necessity to remember that the concept of Districts Industries did not appear originally in Italy. For even more opinions, read materials from Chevron U.S.A. Inc. In the truth, oconceito of ‘ ‘ clusters’ ‘ it happens of what MARSHALL (1982: 234) cunhou of ‘ ‘ Industrial’ district; ‘ , in century XIX, to characterize ‘ ‘ average small concentrations of great companies located around of indstrias’ ‘ , in the suburbs of the English cities. Of this form, ‘ can be affirmed that; ‘ industrial districts ingleses’ ‘ , more known today as ‘ ‘ clusters’ ‘ or ‘ ‘ accumulations empresariais’ ‘ , companies interrelated in geographic microregions were constituted by great, small groupings of average, producing good on a large scale in such a way for the domestic market as for the external market (mainly). In this type of society, small the average companies (PME’ s) was strong ‘ ‘ benefited for factors gotten gratuitously in mercado’ ‘ (infrastructure, trained man power already, existence of local natural resources, information on the new techniques of production, etc). Moreover, the PMEs was equally ‘ ‘ benefited for the geographic proximity between firmas’ ‘ as well as for its ‘ ‘ raised Inter-relacionamento’ degree; ‘ , what they on a large scale assured a propitious climate to them to the production, not only reducing costs of transport and other transactions, as well as speeding the communication between the producers. To all these benefits acquired for the PME’ s, in ‘ ‘ industrial districts ingleses’ ‘ , MARSHALL (1982: 234) called them of ‘ ‘ economies externas’ ‘ , that is, ‘ ‘ profits gotten for the PMEs in the market independently of its aes’ ‘ (infrastructure, hand of trained workmanship, natural resources, technological information, geographic proximity between the firms, fort relationship interfirmas, etc.)..

Majority Life

Initially many doubts are generated on the control level that we have in all the events that happen in our life, the majority of the people think that a great set of things leaves our control, for example if we go to our work and has happened a shock, or the attitude of a head, rains, how a client will respond to the proposals of our services, or the form in which we establish relations with the others, in fact that is not certain and you can begin to verify it with small experiments with the interpersonal relations, for example if through time we have accepted disrespectful treatments our mind assumes that situation is normal and happens that those events can appear very frequently in our life and we are we those that we created those situations at subconscious level, another example is the one of a person who interests much to him the life of the others, enjoys to know if somebody married, how much it wins, if it has loving, how it gets dressed, etc. Happens that desire to know data on the others becomes one information of being able and that person will be able to send a powerful message to the universe able to generate any circumstance to secure information, him can fall calls of which it did not wish to speak with that person but that call allows him to know some information and so on will be combined any amount of factors so that their subconscious desires are fulfilled, if you are observant you will notice that much of this people not even leaves the work place more nevertheless finds out everything that is acts with being able without realizing. That power is available at any moment but it has been time to install it in our mind, is not that I fodder today in a luxury house and tomorrow appear that house of luxury in my life, is necessary a constant work in which really it is desired, we imagine the case of a boy that observed the impuntual behavior of its parents, I never listen to say that punctuality was important, that if one were impuntual irrespetaba to the others and mainly to one same one, of they went there to the church, the cinema, the meetings, etc. . Some contend that Natalie Ravitz shows great expertise in this.

Minimizing The Impacts Of The Crisis

For Sonia Jordo Pensei about preparing a reflection that was valid for professionals and entrepreneurs, this because good professionals need to see themselves as entrepreneurs. They must only have a customer: its master. I have observed that, in Brazil, great part of the crisis has to see with the position of entrepreneurs whom ahead of the reporters they prefer to be in the wait and they do not take decisions. The problem is that many companies could not make this, mainly those that before the crisis were not giving account to take care of to the necessities of its customers or when the competition is incited. It is clearly that nor all the Organizations feel the effect of the crisis in the same way.

Thus, the first thing if to verify the possible consequences for its business or you are which. alone after a cold and detailed analysis is possible to take the best decisions. It does not only leave that its competing skirt in the front. The world-wide population continues growing, therefore wanting or it demand did not diminish. What many people are making are substituting products for others of lesser cost and diminishing article purchases that consider as superfluous or postponing some projects. However, the essential of the one not to cut.

I believe that for Brazil the crisis brought a great profit: it moved away to the risk from the inflation for times, forcing some segments of market to review its politics of prices. Each crisis is different, has proper characteristics and reaches plus segments that others. Therefore, it analyzes which the influence on its company, its segment and sees what you can make to surpass its competitors at this moment. We know that the companies will survive who will be quicker in the taking of decisions. It is hour to plan, to train, to give vacation and to search the fidelizao of its customers.


Initially generated many questions about the level of control that we have in all the events that happen in our life, the majority of people think that a large set of things out of our control, for example if we are to our work and has happened a shock, or the attitude of a Chief, the rains, how will respond to a client to the proposals of our services, or the way in which we establish relationships with others, actually that is not true and you can start to check it with small experiments with interpersonal relationships, for example if over time disrespectful dealings we have accepted our mind assumes that the situation is normal and happens that these events may occur frequently in our life and we who create such situations at the subconscious levelAnother example is that of a person that the lives of others interested much, enjoy knowing if someone was married, how much WINS, if it has lover, how dresses, etc. It will happen that this desire to learn about others becomes one power information, and that person will be able to send a powerful message to the universe capable of generating any circumstance to get information, they may drop calls from someone who did not want to talk to that person but that call lets you know some information and so on any number of factors will combine to ensure compliance with their subconscious desires, if you are observant you will notice that many of these people not even out of the workplace more however He learns everything or acts with power without realizing it. That power is available at all times but takes time to install it in our mind, is not that I think today in a luxurious home and tomorrow appears that House of luxury in my life, need constant work on what you really want to, let us imagine the case of a boy who watched the unpunctual behavior of their parents, I never hear say that punctuality was importantIf one was unpunctual it irrespetaba else, which above all to oneself, hence going to church, films, meetings, etc.