Collective Educators

We are inheriting of a world that broke up the knowledge and today what it searchs it is a perspective to interdisciplinar. The all that is presented in them exists of result of diverse types of relations and connections. It is necessary to reflect on the context where we are inserted and its complexity. For one better agreement of this complexity, appears the way of the interdisciplinaridade, directed toward the dialogue, exchanges, reflections and many times, as already salient, the disruption of paradigms. Hear other arguments on the topic with Diamonds. Of this type of relation we will be in transforming and constructing new vises of world. Ahead of these vises some principles for the interdisciplinaridade are tracings: Consideration for the objective of the course. Proposal pedagogical as base you discipline for them. Dialogue between professor and pupil. Click RioCan to learn more.

Balance of the different areas of knowledge. The resume would have to be moved away from the determination that are imposed. An open resume to the dialogue would bring many perspectives for a more sustainable future. We would have the true education, exempts to think, to understand, to transform, to integrate, to get passionate, to love to everything and all. The education, based on the thought of Passos and Sato (2003), come back a thought to interdisciplinar it needs to work with all the available instruments forming an orchestra of thoughts, action and transformations.

Between PRI Members You See Yourself

People change, that is certain, but truely an ex- PRI member can change. Hardly. He is enough to see the first circle of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, ex- candidate of the PRD and the origins of the politician and the same party. The same PRD is the twin brother of the PRI. Everything began with the Democratic Current within the PRI organized by Cuauhtmoc Crdenas and Porfirio Muoz Ledo in 1986. Go to RioCan for more information. The candidacy of the son of ex- Cardinal red president Lazaro of the River around a series of opposition parties consolidated that were in front called Democratic National who served as well basic to found, the 5 of May of 1989, the Party of the Democratic Revolution.

Remembers the reader who the same Andres Manuel was president of the state PRI in Tabasco? And all that think that they do not affect the ex- PRI members in the PRD that are, ex- PRI members. They only changed of skin but they continue being the same rebellious, rolleros and political gandallas. Lack for 2012 and already Andres Manuel announced much that yes it will contender to the Presidency of the Republic. In its language, it would not be re-election? since he is President Legtimo as car proclaimed the 20 of November of the year last in the Socle of the City of Mexico. And who he says that the ex- PRI members do not hinder now in the Extended front Democratic one whom Porfirio Muoz Ledo heads, ex- leader of the PRI in the presidential succession of Luis Echeverria Alvarez to Jose Lopez Opening, are mistaken.

Ricardo Monreal was Governor of Zacatecas by the PRD because before it could not by the PRI. Arthur Nuez was until leader of the House of Representatives, when this one was branch of the absolute power of the President and Thin Dante worked next to Fernando Gutirrez Districts, was Governor substitute in Veracruz and now it has his own party, the Convergence, adhered to Lopez Obrador. And what to say of Manuel Camacho Soli’s? It already forgot the respectable one as it cleared lights to him to the assassinated candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio? The things eg: the old woman PRI members, now with skin of famous Democratic Extended front is prepared to another putsch by the Power to perhaps return us to the ill-fated days of priato autocratic, enemy of the democracy. To the Carrier If the ex- PRI member speaks like PRI member, walks as PRI member and has the mornings of PRI member, never stopped being PRI member.

Web Hosting

Although it is often thought that the creation of a Web site is a process complicated and tedious; the truth is that its design and Assembly is not so complicated really. You can even ensure that without being a master of the web, we can create a site and put it into operation in less than 30 minutes. To achieve this, certain steps at the foot of the letter, same which we mention below should be followed: to) decide the type of products or services that you offer. Once chosen the rotation of your company you can consider a page or section for each product with the purpose of providing a detailed description of its operation or material with which was manufactured. This will facilitate sales and prevent bad misunderstandings between you and future customers.

(b) determine the type of site or web page that you want to. Know not only will help you to choose the items that you want on it, but you can also have a more clear idea where you’re going. (c) choose the domain name. This should always believe in order that is easy to remember for the one that attempt to enter, but also need to contemplate its conformation in the name of the company and/or area of specialty for that page. (d) selecting a Web Hosting or Web hosting provider. You can find a large number of companies that offer hosting page and purchase the domain in a single package; However it is our decision to hiring them with different vendors or one only.

(e) identify the need of hiring the services of a payment processor for your business. At present, the internet is dedicated to facilitating the life of that navigated in it, so the best thing for your company is hiring a provider that handle you the system of payments or purchases, to assure a quiet sale both for you and for the user or customer. (f) initiate the branding or positioning of your brand. This is to say, to when you start the layout of your site, always use the logo of your company and your name so that it starts to have a presence to users. The exposure time of these elements is crucial to your brand to be recognized and remembered. Original author and source of the article

Social Ecology

We will present a synthesis of some concepts and thoughts that sedestacam inside of the sistmico-complex perspective to give a maiorconsistncia in the central subject of our article. We go in them to limit naabordagem of the deep ecology of Fritjof CAPRA, in the Social Ecology deLeonardo BOFF (this for working under great influence of sincretismoreligioso will be boarded of superficial form), and in the Thought Complexode Edgar MORIN. 1 Conceptual Introduction Understands for thought ' ' sistmico' ' one forms deabordagem of the reality appeared in century XX in contraposition to pensamento' ' reducionista-mecanicista' ' happened of the philosophers of the revoluocientfica of century XVII, molded in the methods of some classics as RenDESCARTES, Francis BACON and Isaac NEWTON. Important to point out that it not negaa scientific rationality, but, only part of the conception of that it nooferece enough parameters for the development of the man, having, therefore to act of joint form with the subjectivity of the arts and of diversastradies spirituals. For definition, by the way, the thought includes ainterdisciplinaridade. The complex thought or ' ' complexidade' ' she is umaescola philosophical that enxerga the world as being indissocivel one all, considering a boarding to multidiscipline for the construction of the knowledge. Elanega to the causalidade and approaches the phenomena as organic totality.

They have comoexpoente defender in the present time Edgar MORIN and amongst the precursors, GregoryBATESON 1. We will present a synthesis of some concepts and pensamentosque if they detach inside of the sistmico-complex perspective to give a maiorconsistncia in the central subject of our article. We go in them to limit in the boarding deep daecologia of Fritjof CAPRA, in the Social Ecology of Leonardo BOFF (estepor to work under great influence of religious sincretismo it will be boarded deformed superficial), and in the Complex Thought of Edgar MORIN. 2A Deep Ecology and the Ecofeminismo Under the Optics deFritjof Capra What currently we are living deeply is a change deparadigmas not only in the scope of science as well as in the field social.