Edgar Fair

These two last measures had generated muitapolmica, but according to secretary of Agriculture of the city Edgar CamposCerqueira, these changes had been taken to improve the quality of produtose to guarantee more security for the freqentadores of the proper fair and proprietriosde boards. As Edgar all the changes had been based on studies realizadospelas Secretaries of Agriculture and Planning of the city that had pointed necessidade to rearrange the 20 fair. Although all the occured changes in last the two years, to be being each more difficult time to organize the fair of Umbaba that temcrescido years after years and already occupies the corridors of the main avenue dacidade: the attached Avenue Manoel Fernandes and streets and crosspieces. In days of feirao I transit is chaotic, had the impediment of circulation of vehicles in the streets eavenida busy for the tents, exactly in the days of fair where the flow deveculo increases. To solve this only same historical problem with aconstruo of an exclusive area for the free fair. FINAL CONSIDERAES the construction of this work in lathe of the fair of the city deUmbaba, in the period enters 1989 the 2009, made possible the study of algumassignificativas for the understanding of the development of the free fair. Paraobjetivar the elaboration of this work we made studies around literatures arespeito of the fairs in Sergipe, Brazil and the world.

We point our work through edocumentais verbal sources, related in the process of the research, and in it analyzes of the living memories dealguns of this city, we try to reviver and to register its souvenirs. The gotten results are satisfactory, therefore in them to permitiramesboar this analytical note on the dynamics exerted in the fair and suasparticularidades in the city of Umbaba. We believe that this thematic one will be degrande relevance for one better deprodutos agreement of the practical one of commercialization in the free fairs, its occured organization and transformations nasociedade through the same one.

Mountain Bike

Munhos and Jniors (2004) comment that the physical activities of adventure in the nature (AFAN) had been classified by Betrn (2003) in five divisions leading in consideration the intrinsic and extrinsical characteristics: Physical environment, related to the way where the activity happens: Air, Land and Water; Personal environment: related to the personal emotions, sensations and experiences during the practical one of the activity; Activities: thirty and two activities had been selected; Ethical-ambient valuation: one changes between the environment and the people and same who are not the objective; Social environment: I appeal for the practical one in group for having a strong individualistic character; Between diverse activities existing in the practical one of the physical activities of adventure in the nature (AFAN), Munhos and Jnior (2004) they more cite some of the activities practised by one or other groups as: Montanhismo or Alpinismo: It represents the practical one of activities in highlands, such as walked, encampments in week ends, until walked of ascension, scalings in rock, ice and others; Espeleologia, Caving or Caverna: Espeleologia is the study of the caves, whereas caving/cave is its exploration for the physical activities of adventure in the nature (AFAN). In this last one one demands solidarity and work in team; Cicloturismo: Tourism carried through on of a bicycle. Normally they are trips that last hours or days with intention to explore the landscapes; Mountain Bike: It is the practical one of walking all of bicycle in and any type of land, with the end of proper the practical physics in itself or search of one or another landscape; Orientation: Navigation in unknown places with the aid of compassing, map? simpler? or with technology also more advanced as GPS and altimeter; Walked or trekking: Walked in diverse lands, normally in tracks in the nature; Rafting: Practical of descending of rapids with inflatable small boats; Cascading: descending of rappel in waterfalls using technological equipment (rope, snaps, brake, cadeirinha? also they are used in the scaling); Canyoning: to follow the river stream bed being able to walk, of small boat, buoy canoe, I descend of rappel, etc. Rio Tinto Group is often quoted as being for or against this. .