Academic Facilitation

In terms of academic facilitation, the integrativa revision has enormous advantages, therefore it can be carried through using bibliographical research on the chosen subject. ' ' Studies of this nature are important to raise the state of the information produced on the subject, the gaps in this production and provide to a synthesis of the knowledge as levels of evidences that the transposition of these evidences for prtica.&#039 facilitates; ' (ZANDONAI et all, 2010). Beyond this facilitador agent, who sos the bibliographical references, the integrativa revision still allow with that the practical one is based on the evidences, ' ' therefore one is about one practical one guided, and since the beginning it has an active integration of the tacit and intentional knowledge, associate the processes that assure its quality and, being immediately applicable for the researcher in its work dirio.' ' (ZANDONAI collaborators, 2010). The methodology used in a integrativa revision follows some defined stages, such as ' ' establishment of the hypothesis and objectives of the integrativa revision; establishment of criteria of inclusion and article exclusion (election of the sample); definition of the information to be extracted of selected articles; analysis of the results; quarrel and presentation of resultados' ' (URSI and GALVO, 2006), beyond the presentation of the integrativa revision. Emphasizing that the bibliography use requires a sumarizao and organization on the part of the researchers, beyond the trustworthiness of the searched material. ' ' The bibliographical research is one of the best forms to initiate a study, searching similarities and differences between articles raised in reference documents. The compilation of information in half electronic is a great advance for the researchers, democratizing the access and providing update freqente.' ' (SOUZA et all, 2010). In this meantime, the integrativa revision guides ' ' the analysis of excellent research that gives to support for the taking of decision and the improvement of the practical clinic, making possible the synthesis of the state of the knowledge of one determined subject, beyond pointing gaps of the knowledge that they need to be filled with the new accomplishment of estudos.' ' (MENDES, SILVEIRA, GALVO, 2008).