
For the vast majority of our citizens car has long ceased to be a measure of luxury, becoming, as it should be in developed countries, a convenient means of personal transportation. But, unfortunately, not everyone acquire a reliable iron friend can afford to buy brand new car of foreign production. And with even greater regret to note that the attempts of domestic car industry, even in the face its the best new designs, and did not become a worthy substitute for well-known foreign analogues were in use or in terms of comfort, either in terms of quality. And the relationship is so important for a buyer for the option 'price – The quality 'of new domestic cars, and does not hold water. Simply put, we can say that what for so long and tedious to say the Bolsheviks, to everyone's sincere regret, never happened. Hundreds of thousands of our citizens, having an average level of material security, choose the second-hand, but not become it worse, the cars of foreign production.

These things phenomenon has absolutely nothing to do with lack of patriotism and even more so, for lack of love for the motherland. In this case, all the trite and simple. Second-hand cars of foreign production significantly better, more comfortable and, most importantly, safer domestic. To this list must be added the real steps of our state to a market economy, as it is known to be guided by only one principle – the economic benefit and feasibility. Agree more serious arguments can not be found. .