Brazilian Education

Oensino de Histria has much time comes being guided for a tecnicista model, where according to 2 Vasconceloses its variations, occured between the decades of 60 and 70, based noFuncionalismo, what it reduces the education of the same one to a set of techniques, regrase historical memorization of facts and dates without recital. The modelotecnicista of if teaching and if learning in the public institutions and privadasde our society, limits the pupil, allowing that the same it can give to nfasena its Problematizao, making one does not analyze criticizes social practical its. Ahead of this problematic one that Brazilian aeducao comes passing in elapsing of the years, we elaborate the Work deConcluso of Course, work this that it aims at to contribute for the deensino quality in our country. For this we use in the first one I capitulate as source depesquisa the educator pernambucano politician Pablo Freire, who much contribuiunas rooms of E.J.A for the reduction of the illiteracy in our country. All suaexperincia with this new pedagogia, called for many as PedagogiLibertadora, had beginning in the city of Angicos, being then adopted more tardecomo one government program, the same government that tried to exterminar the programapor to be a program of popular culture, and consequentemente its creator pelassuas politician-pedagogical ideas. The Pedagogia Freireana, heading dosegundo chapter of the work had origin and destination in the thematic doanalfabetismo, therefore Pablo Freire saw the education as a freedom form social etransformao, a pedagogia that condemns the banking education, in the qualmuitos uses it to educators as a form to introduce in the todosos educandos contents that is repassed to them of systematic form, forms this that simplesmente condemned by the educator Pablo Freire, who saw in the problematizadora education eno dialogues a new method of teaches and that he was, that is, is function of professorrealizar in room of lesson this arduous task.