Child Professor

The art in the education is a pedagogical resource that favors to the new professors methodologies to be worked with the pupils, oportunizando activities who can develop the motor, affective and cognitivas potentialities of the same ones, and on the basis of what it affirms Fusari that: ‘ ‘ … the professor is one of the responsible ones for the success of this transforming process, when helping the pupils to improve its practical and theoretical sensibilidades and to know … ‘ ‘ (FUSARI, 2001, P.

53). Being thus, the paper of the professor is to investigate as to work the art with its pupils of form who satisfy the two parts, and that the results are efficient in the intellectual life of the pupil. 3 THE PAPER OF THE MEDIATING PROFESSOR IN THE EDUCATION OF THE ARTS The infantile universe of education is known that basic I, needs to be stimulated and expanded, however, the professional of the education, in special the professor of this etria band, becomes of basic importance at this moment, a time that, the education of the arts contributes in significant way in the process of learning of the child. In this direction the perfectioning lack many times is the main factor of interference in not the psicomotor, intellectual and social development of the child. The necessity of the continued formation if becomes necessary in the search of the professor for extending its knowledge interdisciplinares. Fusari affirms that, ‘ ‘ The art professor constructs and transforms its work into its daily customs, the synthesis between the action and the reflection. is in this direction that it needs to know art and to know to be art professor; to know the contents and the procedures so that the pupil of them if aproprie’ ‘ (FERRAZ and FUSARI, 1992, P.