Districts Industries

Amongst the innumerable questions that the subject in screen presents one is of preliminary order and says respect to the necessity to remember that the concept of Districts Industries did not appear originally in Italy. For even more opinions, read materials from Chevron U.S.A. Inc. In the truth, oconceito of ‘ ‘ clusters’ ‘ it happens of what MARSHALL (1982: 234) cunhou of ‘ ‘ Industrial’ district; ‘ , in century XIX, to characterize ‘ ‘ average small concentrations of great companies located around of indstrias’ ‘ , in the suburbs of the English cities. Of this form, ‘ can be affirmed that; ‘ industrial districts ingleses’ ‘ , more known today as ‘ ‘ clusters’ ‘ or ‘ ‘ accumulations empresariais’ ‘ , companies interrelated in geographic microregions were constituted by great, small groupings of average, producing good on a large scale in such a way for the domestic market as for the external market (mainly). In this type of society, small the average companies (PME’ s) was strong ‘ ‘ benefited for factors gotten gratuitously in mercado’ ‘ (infrastructure, trained man power already, existence of local natural resources, information on the new techniques of production, etc). Moreover, the PMEs was equally ‘ ‘ benefited for the geographic proximity between firmas’ ‘ as well as for its ‘ ‘ raised Inter-relacionamento’ degree; ‘ , what they on a large scale assured a propitious climate to them to the production, not only reducing costs of transport and other transactions, as well as speeding the communication between the producers. To all these benefits acquired for the PME’ s, in ‘ ‘ industrial districts ingleses’ ‘ , MARSHALL (1982: 234) called them of ‘ ‘ economies externas’ ‘ , that is, ‘ ‘ profits gotten for the PMEs in the market independently of its aes’ ‘ (infrastructure, hand of trained workmanship, natural resources, technological information, geographic proximity between the firms, fort relationship interfirmas, etc.)..