Fidel Castro

That the Cuban government is said that once it sells he acquires it to other neighboring countries, acquiring in this way a good currency entrance. The affection, admiration that president Hugo Chavez has by Fidel Castro, by the Cuban revolution, he has favored immensely to Cuba to an economic, social cost significant for the Venezuelans, who many criticize this favoritism. It has helped of course them to face unemployment, because in Venezuela you are used professional services of many Cubans in all the aspects, which represents a saving for the Cuban government, but also serious problems of use for the Venezuelan., which many have been displaced for favoring to the professional and technical manpower of the Cubans. Despite the Cuban government it must seriously think before the fact that the economic support that offers Venezuela to him in the form of petroleum it could be counted if Hugo Chavez does not assure its power in the presidential elections of 2012. , that can be a reality. The certain thing, comments the indicated source of intelligence, that it enters the new features of the reform is the authorization so that the Cubans choose independently between the 178 activities and they turn into taxi drivers, they operate small restaurants or they abran hairdressing salons. The citizens will be able, for example, to sell their products or services to state organizations, to commercialize nutritional products that before were prohibited, abrir accounts and to accede on credit banking. On the other hand, there will be more freedom for the agrarian production and something of private property and market with the aim of drawing for the challenge will be introduced that supposes to concern 80% of the products that are consumed in the island. In the sector of the construction the construction of houses will also be allowed that will help to alleviate to the situation of deficit and uncertainty of the constructions.