Gallegos Education

Ramon Gallegos in his books: learning to be, education and spirituality and spiritual intelligence, presents the most general principles of spiritual intelligence in relation to education holistic which is the means to achieve the full realization of the evolution of consciousness. It also reflected how valuable the relationship of spirituality in the vision of the new educational paradigm holistic and likewise, does incapie in the concept of spiritual intelligence and educational integrity as fundamental support in the vision of the new paradigm of holistic education. With the book learning to be, its author Ramon Gallegos allows us to see education in its broadest sense, as a spiritual practice, focused on the evolution of consciousness. It shows the principles of the perennial philosophy in relation to education holistic, that is the medium through which consciousness evolves up stadiums or greater integrity memes depth and spirituality that will lead to the full realization. In this new paradigm is considered the human being as the most important thing. The multinivel-multidimension model is shown as an integral educational alternative to contribute to the evolution of consciousness and guide us to the fullness of joy.

Learn how to be develops spirituality and leads us to be universal. To achieve an integral education required of spiritual practice to facilitate the evolution of consciousness. We are a multi-dimensional being with spiritual heart of universal nature. Recognize our true nature is obtained through the learning to learn which is the Foundation, the center of this paradigm; in such a way that spirituality is a human experience, is universal love. So integrity is the achievement of the unity through diversity in holistic education. According to Ken Wilber, there are three devices, three eyes to see the world: the eye of meat, the mind and the spirit correspond to the empirical world, the mental and the spiritual, respectively. Holistic education is one pedagogy of universal love, is the basis of their intelligence.