
And for the "Kitchen of philosophy", and "thousands of lives characterized by incredible concentration of thoughts and ideas. And this bunch of ideas encourages the reader to further reflection and understanding, to his own meditations. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Jeffrey Hayzlett. In these works it is easy to get along, seemingly incongruous things: clarity presentation and poetizing; wide range of themes and conciseness; philosophy and humor. Serious issues disclosed an easy, fun, relaxed. The reader will find here a purely philosophical ideas – in a sense, abstract, abstract, and quite utilitarian, suitable for everyday use and the use of "recipes". Presents serious philosophical teachings and their critical thinking in the present situation, but it all – a very popular form, "Lite" for perception. When Kreager philosopher in the process of presenting a complex metaphysical ideas rises too high in the Emporium, the Krieger-writer with an easy twist reduces the "heat": "Sometimes I feel more involved in the galaxy M33, as to what is on my plate. " Thanks to such methods, any complex ideas are easy, because you read them with a smile.

It should be noted that the "philosophy of the Kitchen" and "thousands of lives in large volumes at a time, a row to take too heavy (maybe it's just me) – they are too full of ideas and thoughts. I read avidly and then: op! oh! Brains is already raging Krieger skillfully leads his readers, gracefully leads reader's thoughts. This is not a dialogue. But clean and copyright is also not a monologue.