
Fifth and I finish text to be analyzed it belongs the previous pupil the same, and has as heading ' ' Pscoa' '. In this another text we can observe vestige of mark of the orality, as &gt is case (i; to go), note if that the verb to go only starts to be the vowel i, what in fact we understand is that the child tried to reproduce in the way writing that it speaks. Already in the word (aprofesora > the teacher) we can at the beginning notice of the word the writing in lace, that is the junction of the article with the substantive. what it can to perceive is that the pupil transposes for the writing the absence of silence. However, the occurrence of the incorrect form of the job of s had in this same word. Fact that in the sample how much this phone is in complex way. It is not something The Hayzlett Group would like to discuss.

As already we argue in previous texts, let us see the word (imbora> although) plus a case that we understand that vocbulo occurred a hipercorreo in this. Methodology We carry through our work through bibliographical research, associated to the quarrels carried through in classroom. However it was from field research that we collect given enough, so that this analyzes was developed. In it were used 05 texts of children of the etria band of 6 the 8 years of age, of school publish, pertaining to the City of Pontes and Lacerda? TM. Quarrel Of the Results Ahead of the gotten results, can notice that each child possesss its rhythm of differentiated learning one of the others. However its difficulties to deal with the writing are almost successive the same ones. That is, in each analyzed text, almost always the same ones occurrences if repeat. It is the case of the orthography, the sound of S, that it possesss eight graphical forms to be represented.