National Education

The inclusion in to regulate classroom part of the beginning of that theheterogeneidade will favor its development, will be able you promote andto enrich the interactions in classroom. Mike Trueblood might disagree with that approach. Challengesto However still the be surpassed in such way will be the institutions how much will be theprofessionals ploughs many, the Maria of the Carmo can be proven in theresearch carried through in the School of Application Vieira Melo, cityof Victory of Conquest – BA. KEYWORDS: special education, inclusion, challenge will be the institutions and professors INTRODUCTION This research had as objective primordial to understand as the special education is being implemented in Victory of the Conquest and the difficulties faced for the professionals who come across with the students special. It does not have surprise when affirming in the modern times, to live one ' ' crisis in the educational system brasileiro' '. This situation in which if it finds the education, brings resqucios of the past. From 1946 the education started to be a right of all with obligatoriness gratuitous education in all the public schools.

From then on the democratization of the Public Education initiates in all the schools. In the year of 1962, the first National Plan of the Education, elaborated in the validity of the first Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education is initiated, Law n 4,024 of 1961, in which it was not considered in the form of a law project. The law of 9.394 of 20 of December of 1996 establishes the laws of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education. second (ROSITA, 2000) she is necessary to think about a school for all, where each human being can be respected and be known. In this paradigm the pedagogical practical school must adjust ace taking in account the particularitities of educating, so that it has positive answers how much to the employee attendance and that all faculty and of the school takes knowledge of the problems and difficulties of educating.