Internal Communication Endomarketing

A thing is the internal communication (Endomarketing), and another one is the external communication (Marketing). Swarmed by offers, RioCan is currently assessing future choices. How I can think about Marketing if I do not obtain to evaluate my Internal Communication (Endomarketing)? The great problem of the internal communication is not to know to evaluate the organizacional climate. It does not advance to distribute ' ' Leves of Questionrios' ' without basing the questions, making as all, subjective questions. I say that this type of evaluation is an enormous congested avenue. The people who ARE WORKING do not go to obtain to develop STRATEGICAL projects, this are the secret of the good leadership.

When one works very, the only skill to decide the internal problems is to make what the majority comes making, this means ' ' to tread same trilha' '. When track the same way of the others, in other words, is ' ' copiar' ' , it is to go for the way &#039 more; ' fcil' ' , it is because all are ' ' fazendo' ' thus, then I will have that to make the same. Pure deceit! When all are thus making or baked, it is because they had not had time to think e, had decided to make the same that excessively they are making. It is as soon as we lose time, searching what the others are making, when, in the truth, we could develop a spectacular work searching internally what we want to know to develop the project. It was reading an interesting article very of Mr. Valdir Panace Jr, that says the following one: ' ' I was invited by a friend, today professor of the SENAC, to make a presentation on a methodology that I developed for the Hospital San Francisco de Assis (HSFA), of Jacare-SP, in 2008, while coordinating of depto of Marketing? function that I still exert today. .

The Time

A thing I guarantee, this last one, I go to make you to grow. If you want to grow, skirt of the comodismo, the zone of comfort. To try to be efficient and efficient is total irrelevant if it does not know where and as to apply the time. She is necessary to make use of objectives and goals very evaluated well and clear, where if none does not have more doubt. A simple form to identify these priorities is if to ask how much it would like to earn for month and to divide this for the 160 working hours. An identified time this value (it has that to be a viable challenge and at the same time of being reached), determines that of now in ahead it will not make nothing that pays less of what this value for the moment, multiplied for the time that could delay.

The time is main resource that we make use to gain money, agrees? Then, as it is using its time currently? If you were to analyze where she applies its time, with certainty he would be surpreso with how many activities that are made per day and that it does not have as much importance. Now, to know with precision which they are these activities, he needs to have full conscience of them, and for this he goes to be necessary to make a register detailed of everything what he makes during one or two weeks at least. The difference between the managers who obtain better resulted and the ones that do not obtain, exactly working 18h per day, is exactly in as to use this precious resource that is finite. It is a question to identify and to work with priorities. Then, to use to advantage the time, you better it must know with details it is applying where it currently.


In the previous article, ' ' Phases of the one examination negcio' ' (vide category ' ' Administration and Negcios' ' of this site) we list the main activities that must be made in a transaction of purchase of companies, which if also apply in the acquisition of quotas of society, as well as in the opening of new business, analysis of the proper business etc. In that article, we made to consist two item that, unhappyly, are unknown for the majority of the people who if consider to analyze a company before its purchase. They are: – to effect planning and projections of the business; – to study the situation after economic-financier the projections. We retake, therefore, the question and go to try to elucidate the case. we will go to make it with the following constatao: usually, the purchaser of a company executes analysis of the same one for two dimensions, when the correct one is to cover one third.

In the analysis economic-financier of the current situation (activity listed in the previous article) it is approached company for dimension of the past, therefore to raise prescriptions and expenditures in the average of last months, or conditional normal standard to the model of effective management, nothing more is of what the vision of the past molding the gift. In the examination of the operational and strategical aspects (also it consists in that article), we work with the dimension of the gift, therefore the operational reality and the strategical position of the company are, in the reality, the gift supported for the past. But and the future? Therefore, a decisive orientation, a categorical end point goes here: in the process to evaluate businesses, all and any definition one is based in the perspective of the future. You are welcome they serve the positive evaluations of chek-up based in the gift if we will not be prepared to foresee the company in tomorrow.

The Organization

they are adjusted. 3.4Tomada of decisions individual: How functions the process of taking of decisions in the organization? The taking of decisions for employee that occupy corresponding positions to the ones of supervision or average management sufficiently is limited by questions as necessity of licitations for purchases, public competition for acts of contract and investigation or administrative proceeding for resignations or punishment, beyond the total impossibility of wage awardings for promotion. In such a way, the employees in leadership positions, become only heads who charge it inside solution of problems of a perspective limited of options, becoming them mere executors of more complex activities. The vieses of the decision taking, as what we call Scaling of the comprometimento, create true ' ' jurisprudncias' ' inside of this environment, where nobody wants and nor needs, if to compromise to a creative solution that can seem audacious stranger or for the common sense. 3.5Comunicao: How is made the communication in the company? The employees consider satisfactory these processes? Exists some type of feedbacks? The company makes use of satisfactory technological tools pra to promote the communication between diverse the department and units compose that it. For exchange of information on tasks and routines, the communication in the company seems to be perceived as satisfactory between its employees. In what it says respect to the taking decision the hierarchic levels well they are defined: Strategical decisions are taken by unilateral form for the direction and tactical decisions for the average management, also without the consultation the employee of the operation. Already the decisions that modify of significant form the routine of the employees are taken with the participation of all through meetings between departments, who synthecize its opinions and demands, to be led for the supervision meeting, where they are partilhadas and debated with the too much involved departments. The conclusions of (s) the supervision (s) then are taken to the direction.