Federal Environmental Agency

“Climate protection through company ForestFinance initiative partners ‘economy per climate” the Bonn party sustainable forest investment ForestFinance joined as one of the first companies in Germany the initiative business per climate “. The initiative launched in March is supported by the company b.a.u.m. e.V. (German Arbeitskreis fur Umweltbewusstes management e.V.), the Ministry for environment and the Federal Environmental Agency. “The initiative business per climate” Germany environmentally committed companies from all sectors of the economy have joined forces. The management of each member company committed with the Declaration, to make a larger contribution of climate protection in the framework of its business activities and to contribute to more climate protection through concrete actions. More climate protection at ForestFinance through energy efficiency projects: ForestFinance put 2 tonnes of CO2 in the framework of the energy efficiency project “to a bundle of investment and reconstruction measures to the CO2 savings. The concept of seeking a maximum emission of run only 2 tonnes of CO2 per ForestFinance employee at.

Moreover, eco power concept has been with the 100% PLUS”obtained in addition to switching to green electricity in the year 2008 hundreds of new customers for green electricity. These and many more practical examples of businesses for climate protection are available on the website of the initiative (www.wirtschaft-pro-klima.de). “” Who become economy per climate ‘ confesses, shows responsibility for climate protection and proves that he even practiced this “, describes b.a.u.m.-Board Member Dieter Brubach the approach of the initiative business per climate”. Since 1997, CO2 CO2OL of the ForestFinance services designed high-quality climate protection afforestation projects for a variety of companies and organizations. Furthermore, companies can determine their CO2 footprint, advice to the CO2 savings and compensate by buying CO2 certificates. For more information, see about ForestFinance: the Bonn ForestFinance group focused on sustainable forest investments specialized in environmental and social sustainability connect a lucrative return. ForestFinance global as the world’s first company with the FSC include Partner Award “in the area of financial services awarded. ForestFinance managed sustainably over 4,000 hectares of afforested tropical forest for its approximately 10,000 customers. With the BaumSparVertrag is a private forest 33 euros per month possible, see more information about the investment activities of the company, see