Collective Educators

We are inheriting of a world that broke up the knowledge and today what it searchs it is a perspective to interdisciplinar. The all that is presented in them exists of result of diverse types of relations and connections. It is necessary to reflect on the context where we are inserted and its complexity. For one better agreement of this complexity, appears the way of the interdisciplinaridade, directed toward the dialogue, exchanges, reflections and many times, as already salient, the disruption of paradigms. Hear other arguments on the topic with Diamonds. Of this type of relation we will be in transforming and constructing new vises of world. Ahead of these vises some principles for the interdisciplinaridade are tracings: Consideration for the objective of the course. Proposal pedagogical as base you discipline for them. Dialogue between professor and pupil. Click RioCan to learn more.

Balance of the different areas of knowledge. The resume would have to be moved away from the determination that are imposed. An open resume to the dialogue would bring many perspectives for a more sustainable future. We would have the true education, exempts to think, to understand, to transform, to integrate, to get passionate, to love to everything and all. The education, based on the thought of Passos and Sato (2003), come back a thought to interdisciplinar it needs to work with all the available instruments forming an orchestra of thoughts, action and transformations.

Social Ecology

We will present a synthesis of some concepts and thoughts that sedestacam inside of the sistmico-complex perspective to give a maiorconsistncia in the central subject of our article. We go in them to limit naabordagem of the deep ecology of Fritjof CAPRA, in the Social Ecology deLeonardo BOFF (this for working under great influence of sincretismoreligioso will be boarded of superficial form), and in the Thought Complexode Edgar MORIN. 1 Conceptual Introduction Understands for thought ' ' sistmico' ' one forms deabordagem of the reality appeared in century XX in contraposition to pensamento' ' reducionista-mecanicista' ' happened of the philosophers of the revoluocientfica of century XVII, molded in the methods of some classics as RenDESCARTES, Francis BACON and Isaac NEWTON. Important to point out that it not negaa scientific rationality, but, only part of the conception of that it nooferece enough parameters for the development of the man, having, therefore to act of joint form with the subjectivity of the arts and of diversastradies spirituals. For definition, by the way, the thought includes ainterdisciplinaridade. The complex thought or ' ' complexidade' ' she is umaescola philosophical that enxerga the world as being indissocivel one all, considering a boarding to multidiscipline for the construction of the knowledge. Elanega to the causalidade and approaches the phenomena as organic totality.

They have comoexpoente defender in the present time Edgar MORIN and amongst the precursors, GregoryBATESON 1. We will present a synthesis of some concepts and pensamentosque if they detach inside of the sistmico-complex perspective to give a maiorconsistncia in the central subject of our article. We go in them to limit in the boarding deep daecologia of Fritjof CAPRA, in the Social Ecology of Leonardo BOFF (estepor to work under great influence of religious sincretismo it will be boarded deformed superficial), and in the Complex Thought of Edgar MORIN. 2A Deep Ecology and the Ecofeminismo Under the Optics deFritjof Capra What currently we are living deeply is a change deparadigmas not only in the scope of science as well as in the field social.

Captain Planeta

This personage, for signal, obtains to communicate itself with the animals through its power, the heart, showing a certain romantismo connected in the subject environment and one ability that surpasses the limits of the human beings. When a villain is detected the five together young, showing that the union is party to suit of salvation of the environment, evokes Captain Planeta, who alone, showing the individualizao of the power, obtains to give account of any situation. The villains present a differentiated appearance, many times, different of human beings, giving to understand that the ambient impacts are generated by malignant and extraterrestrial creatures. After the victory of Captain Planeta, and, consequentemente, the end of the villain, who is imprisoned or disabled to degrade the environment, is shown a false idea of that the ambient degradation does not happen for the development, occurs for the bad attitudes of bad people, who must be contained. Exactly many times uniting the pollution to the plant the drawing demonstrates that this activity alone is polluting for the command of the power is of vocs ). Drawing Captain Planeta distinguishes citizen good, that is that one that preserves the environment, and has aesthetic a specific one, and, determines the bad citizen, that degrades the environment, and possesss aesthetic a specific one. Villains of the drawing Captain Planeta. The villains always seem to suffer some type of mutation differentiates that them of the human beings. > Source: If the livened up drawing is a great source of incorporation of the green ideology, for if treating to spread this speech from the children, who will be able to grow with this mentality, the school makes to another part of this process of incorporation, that is, it strengthens to all these ideas. In this manner in the education of sciences, geography, and, many times in others you discipline, many times, the child, now as pupil, continue receiving these same information, only that now of forms different.

Human Environment

Meadows. Approaching crucial problems for the future of the Humanity, the study it concluded exactly that the Planet Land did not support more the increase of the pollution and the pressure exerted on its natural resources and energy, taking in account the advances of the technology. The study also it concluded that it would be possible to reach economic stability e, at the same time, to respect the limitations of the natural resources, congealing the growth of the world-wide population and the industrial capital, in what he was known as ' ' Thesis of the Zero&#039 Growth; '. Considered as an attack frontal to the desenvolvimentistas conceptions of economic growth continuous, defined for the economic theories and defended for the governments of all the countries, this thesis reed-echo, in almost the whole world, as a strategy of the advanced countries to be late, or same to hinder, the development them industrialized countries less, at the time. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Chevron U.S.A. Inc. But the shady perspectives for the future of the Humanity, made with in the same year of 1972, if it carried through, in Sweden, the Conference of United Nations on the Human Environment, known as the Conference of Estocolmo. From there for front, the ambient questions had assumed such relevance, that, in the present time, it is difficult to find a citizen, of any social category and with any level of instruction that, minimum, it is not sensetized for the problems that the world faces with regard to the future of the natural resources and that it does not have a vacant notion of the distinction that has between resources renewed and not-renewed, of the risks of energy collapse, the causes of the pollution of the great cities, the global heating, the climatic changes, etc. In the same way, much the territorial questions already had even so assumed high relevance, is necessary that the citizens if acquire knowledge of the importance of if reaching a territorial structure, considered satisfactory, to promote and to support an occupation of the territory that respects restrictions of ambient character, saturation urban-metropolitan and of demographic and productive emptinesses. .


Lately with the provoked problems they pelohomem, the preservation subject comes more being thought and argued. Sine beginning they concentrated themselves in the defense of some threatened species, agoraconsideram that the conservation of ecosystems, allied to the desenvolvimentosustentvel, is vital for the maintenance and the evolution of biodiversity. Maso that comes to be Preservation? Preservao the protection of the nature independently of its e/ouutilitrio economic value, pointing the man as the causer of in addition this ‘ ‘ equilbrio’ ‘. Source: Chevron. Parapreservar we must know these words and its meanings: Knowing, Respecting, Keeping, Preventing and Consulting. Knowing aimportncia of the natural areas under special protection, also called deUnidades Conservation. The creation of areas protected for law aims at conservao of genetic banks of inestimable value, composites for the faunasilvestre and the species of the native vegetation.

Units are considered deConservao: overthrown natural areas, areas of ambient protection (APAS), reasde excellent ecological interest (ARIES), ecological areas on special protection (ASPES), stations, biological and reservasflorestais parks, reserves. Respecting asreas of permanent preservation as demorros edges of rivers, springs, top, inclined areas and conserving streams, lakes, reservoirs, dams, etc. Keeping umareserva forest in all property in accordance with the current law. Evitandoincndios: not shooting cigarettes or matches accesses in the edges of the highways; not freeing balloons; not lighting fogueiras; not practising burnt. Consultandosempre a competent agency before deforesting areas with vegetation. For these reasons that the society is part key in the preservation of meioambiente, therefore it only depends on it so that it does not have a bigger disequilibrium ambientalem our ecosystems.