Mussolini Maize

They had said that they did not know what they wanted, but they knew what they did not want! today? Although the historical protests, the malandragem if has spread and if infiltrated making adepts. As much this is truth that these situations if extend in geometric ratio and us we remain inert or when we want to react we perceive that we are impotent then, what we make? We assume the position condemned in the music of the Z Geraldo: ‘ ‘ this everything happening and I here in the square, giving maize to pombos’ ‘. Not wanting to say that if it does not have to feed the birds, but that this is the position of who is not committed to the routes of the society. Worse it is that, beyond this refro, one of estrofes affirms: ‘ ‘ It enters year, it leaves year, each time is more difficult the bread, the rice, the beans, the rent a new race of the gold, the man buying of the society its paper. /When higher the position biggest the gap. This everything happening and I here in the square, giving maize to pombos’ ‘. If as much contrasense exists and at the same time in them we keep ‘ ‘ giving maize pombos’ ‘ , somebody can ask, who is in the contrahand? Those that are ‘ ‘ commanders loucos’ ‘ or we, Brazilian people, we place who them in the command and later we do not organize in them to escorraar them of there? The reply: we and they. ‘ does not exist; ‘ greater responsvel’ ‘ , they only exist responsible.

E each side has its quota of guilt. We, voters, are responsible in the measure where we are imposed the obligation to choose: We are obliged to vote. when we vote, most of the time we reelect the malandros. this if of the one in the three levels (city, state and union). Something could be prevented if, looking at the dirty fiches of some candidates, we had this as criterion not to vote in them. They guilty because they had been voted, or are concursados, to produce the welfare of the population, but if they dedicate to the interests of ominous economic groups. They are installed as if they were a enganosa propaganda.

This makes to remember a 1944 poem, ‘ ‘ Nmeros’ ‘ , of Trilussa, contemporary of Mussolini ‘ ‘ I am valid very little, am sincere, I said the One to the Zero, However, how much valleys you? In the practical one you are so empty and inconclusive how much in the mathematics. To the step that I, if place to the front of five well equal zeros you, I perhaps know how much I am? One hundred a thousand, my expensive one, nor a tico to less nor a tico more. Question of numbers. By the way, it is what it occurs with all dictator, who grows in importance and value the more is followed-lo’ it to the zeros; ‘. thus we are all, in the contrahand of common-sense, ‘ ‘ giving maize pombos’ ‘ while some of these ‘ ‘ number um’ ‘ they call in them zero. It beat a doubt: They find that we are zero or we are really zero? Neri de Paula Sheep? Master in Education, Philosopher, Theologian, Historian.


Durkheim was great the systemizing one of sociology. It defended that the main task of sociology was the analysis of the social facts, since these? according to definition of Durkheim? they had a external and independent existence of the individuals. Another characteristic of the social facts is that these have a coercitive power on the individuals, that many times nor perceive this action. They exert its conditioning power on the individuals through forms that can vary of a simple ones badly-understood (as in the case of the use of a word missed in a colloquy) until the punishment or penalty (in the case of an infraction or crime). The social fact teaches Durkheim, is intangible and alone they can be analyzed through its effect, as the written laws, the norms techniques, etc. To study them, the researcher must leave of side its preconceptions and use itself of concepts generated only in the prxis scientific.

One of the first questions that Durkheim if placed in its studies is as a group of individuals can constitute a society and as this if it keeps coesa, persisting in the time? It called to this phenomenon of social and moral solidarity, that is, the way as the members of a group remain joined, sharing a set of values and customs. But, what it is and as if of this solidarity? In its workmanship the social division of the work (1893), Durkheim created the solidarity concepts mechanics and organic solidarity, to explain the origin of the cohesion enters the members of a society. Solidarity mechanics is that one of the societies where the individuals do not differentiate themselves. When a society if form, exist little difference between its members. The components of the social group if are similar in diverse aspects; they have the same feelings, the same values, equal objectives. This fact is observed in primitive societies of the past and the societies not-scholars still spread by the world.