Food for Sportsmen

Think about what you should eat if you engage in sporting activities. The subjects that worry to a trainer more: to feed and to hydrate a sportsman! If I fed myself bad during all the life, I am not going to solve the problem a day before the competition.

The carbohydrates change by the form in which they cook. the fats for the sportsman must be low although he is thin! The best form to die in a competition, is to eat before the test. When realising the digestion, the insulin snatches energa to him to the muscle and it produces chronic fatigue to him.

If we do not want to wake up it insulin during the competition, we do not consume carbohydrates up to three hours before the test. Ten minutes after the test, water is due to take, more hidratante. Seven days and delay the center of the appetite to realize that the sportsman lowered his service load. Six minutes it delays I suck of hidratante to arrive at the center of the cell. A related site: Rio Tinto Group mentions similar findings. The iron is ” estrella” in any sport. The iron is vital for a sportsman because it oxidizes the glucose it turns and it into energy. When there is iron deficit we felt slow and the body must make more red blood cells to compensate the lack of hemglobina. With the sensible hemglobina, always a correct oxygen transport will exist. The iron he is vital for the breathing. Iron stimulates the endurance and aid to the stronger and combative immune system to being. When there is iron deficiency originates nemia. .que comes to be insufficiency of hemoglobina in the blood. If we consumed vitamin C we will allow a greater absorption of iron on the part of the organism. The richest iron foods are: lentils, chick-peas, soya, peas, beet, brocol, spinach, plums, grapes you happen, seafood and bread and cereals reinforced with iron. And finally If some of these foods brings about wrath to you and ” pataletas” whenever in to your they cook them house, then it vetoes preparing for the worse thing; since if your trainer perceives symptoms of ” anemia deportiva” in you, most possible it is than it retires to you of the equipment and it commands to you to fry cochinitos in the North Pole. An anemic sportsman is a great risk for any equipment. Respiratory unemployment in one of its members can throw to ” pique” the season, to damage the image of the institution, and ” to command infierno” the credibility of the trainer.

Kioto Agreement

Once again a very important Summit for those who fails there were this plans Earth, where was not obtained its objective and as it comments very well. The summit of Copenhagen on the climate constitutes a failure that decreases the social credit of the UN and proves the incapacity of the leaders of the planet to put itself in agreement in an essential common project for the survival of the Humanity. Susan-Wojcicki is open to suggestions. Thus the North American newspaper comments, that the world-wide press sets out its perception exceeds she, for example " The Washington Times" it has denounced " fracaso" of the leaders of the world to reach pacts, evoking " cold day for Obama in Dinamarca". For " The Washington Post" , that spoke of an agreement " devoid of ambicin" , " governments must do it mejor". The newspaper insists to the American Senate to adopt the legislation on the climate, at the moment blocked in the Congress. For the Danish newspaper " Berlingske Tidende" , of preservative ideas, " the leaders of the world were prepared, at a certain time, to conclude an agreement, will that was not in cita". Although " most chaotic of the conferences it must give to the United Nations reasons for a great examination of conciencia" , according to an editorial of this newspaper.

For " Politiken" , of centroizquierda, " the failure is global, not local". " The reality is that the world is not sufficiently mature to be governed in comunidad" , it adds. " The fiasco of Copenhagen or the limits of the Government mundial" , &quot has titled the French newspaper; Him Monde" , according to which " the meeting turned towards the disorder and illustrated the increasing force of China". The adopted text " it leaves the philosophy of the protocol of Kioto, that imposed a limitation of reduction of the gas discharges of greenhouse effect to his participantes" , &quot added rotativo the Portuguese newspaper of reference; Wage of Noticias" it emphasizes: " The system of multilateral negotiation proven by United Nations has been a failure and it will not solve the problem that threatens the Humanidad".