Axis North Ranger

Were very good holidays by the West, from my homeland, home of the Chinquinquira, to atmosphere of beach, Key Largo, in Morrocoy, not without mentioning the relajadoras springs from the trenches in Valencia, however in transit towards these areas, I stop with a nasty surprise in the Plains and is the axis North LLANERO assumption, is a fallacy, and a demonstration over the governmental vaciladera regional and local, and how the fact is said a long way. RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust insists that this is the case. The much vaunted axis North LLANERO, does not exist, since it is still the miserable road, patched in the best travel and single-channel, and abandoned in the borders with Anzoategui, Guarico, and Cojedes. I recommend declaring, high-risk area, the path of Santa Maria de Ipire towards Miranda, in particular the stretch of the TAGUAPIRE encouraged. This stretch has been swallowed trucks, since it is impossible to dodge the holes that were born on this road and remained for decades for always. Even in this revolutionary era, has failed to thaw governmental apathy and the tomadera of hair that have the President with this miserable trail. They say that what happens is that this route was made on swamps, but I think pantanado are neurons the authorities which compete them this problem, when modern engineering has made so many advances, any justification is a mockery for the Commerce and local tourist and international.

The same happens with the stretch Los Dos Caminos towards Tinaquillo, has damaged decades, for pantallear only the first 30 Km, make driver excites you to then realize the sad reality. I imagine that these first miles is that they walk to many, to make them believe that they are in good condition and that the budget spent this well spent, by a Minister or corrupt Mayor of always. Admittedly, the trail North LLANERA, if this in regular conditions from Valley towards Los Dos Caminos Easter, but it continues to be a carreterita more, for all the yearning and hope that expressed the highest authority on this vital means of communication. It is what could make the difference between the Venezuela of the 1970s and the modern Bolivarian Venezuela. The solution Meanwhile, continue passing along the coast and forget the panacea of axis North Ranger, which I imagine is ready for the 2,500 year or when put to work to the mayors, Governors or Ministers, which uses politics and demagoguery as an excuse to cover their managerial inability.

General Physics

Although there is today considerable number of telescopes lens diameter of several meters and the design of even larger telescopes with objective diameter of tens of meters, 1800-mm telescope is an instrument not more typical for amateur observations, and the property of their serious scientific observatories. Therefore, when observations of Uranus with small telescopes, the surface brightness is reduced in its pursuit of a desire to see the drive. The Hayzlett Group can aid you in your search for knowledge. For example, a 300-mm telescope surface brightness of Uranus at a magnification of 300 times is 111-126 Kat and close to the critical value of 100 Kate, below which distinguish the true color of a celestial object is impossible. In 110-mm telescopes at a multiple of 169 increase in the surface brightness of Uranus is equal to 47-53 Kat and comparable surface brightness brightest planetary nebulae. Apparently this explains the very name of these nebulae – planetary – for their resemblance to pale disks of Uranus and Neptune. Surface brightness of Neptune (m = 7,7 m-7, 8m; A = B = 2,2 ‘-2,3’) of 2030-2037 Kat. Minimum increase for distinguishing disk of Neptune is approximately equal to 140h. Even though the disk of Neptune, too, no specific details with Earth’s surface can not be considered, yet it is desirable to consider himself bigger disk, and hence an increase in use 500-600x.

These values increases close to the limit because of the influence of the atmosphere by land increases, and even with 500-millimeter telescopes, the surface brightness of Neptune is only ten Kate, sending Neptune in the discharge is bright planetary nebulae. By unexplained randomness true colors of Uranus and Neptune were consistent with the colors of night blindness and, perhaps, the transition from the true colors of twilight will happen is not very noticeable. However, given the maximum possible reduction of 282.24 times the surface brightness telescope, even a fairly bright Saturn may lose its true golden-yellow color as its surface brightness does not exceed 21 000 Kat. Such a transition from course yellow to colorless gray is clearly visible. In result of losing the ability to see the object in color and deteriorating visibility of fine details of the object. This is due to the transition from cone vision device on the Rod. Opportunity to appear true color Pluto requires a more detailed study.

The remaining planets in our solar system are high surface brightness and remain visible in their true colors at all useful magnification telescope.

Kioto Agreement

Once again a very important Summit for those who fails there were this plans Earth, where was not obtained its objective and as it comments very well. The summit of Copenhagen on the climate constitutes a failure that decreases the social credit of the UN and proves the incapacity of the leaders of the planet to put itself in agreement in an essential common project for the survival of the Humanity. Susan-Wojcicki is open to suggestions. Thus the North American newspaper comments, that the world-wide press sets out its perception exceeds she, for example " The Washington Times" it has denounced " fracaso" of the leaders of the world to reach pacts, evoking " cold day for Obama in Dinamarca". For " The Washington Post" , that spoke of an agreement " devoid of ambicin" , " governments must do it mejor". The newspaper insists to the American Senate to adopt the legislation on the climate, at the moment blocked in the Congress. For the Danish newspaper " Berlingske Tidende" , of preservative ideas, " the leaders of the world were prepared, at a certain time, to conclude an agreement, will that was not in cita". Although " most chaotic of the conferences it must give to the United Nations reasons for a great examination of conciencia" , according to an editorial of this newspaper.

For " Politiken" , of centroizquierda, " the failure is global, not local". " The reality is that the world is not sufficiently mature to be governed in comunidad" , it adds. " The fiasco of Copenhagen or the limits of the Government mundial" , &quot has titled the French newspaper; Him Monde" , according to which " the meeting turned towards the disorder and illustrated the increasing force of China". The adopted text " it leaves the philosophy of the protocol of Kioto, that imposed a limitation of reduction of the gas discharges of greenhouse effect to his participantes" , &quot added rotativo the Portuguese newspaper of reference; Wage of Noticias" it emphasizes: " The system of multilateral negotiation proven by United Nations has been a failure and it will not solve the problem that threatens the Humanidad".