Business Intelligence

Marcus Evans, global provider of business information that concerns not only the expertise. Only who constantly develops further, gives his company an advantage over its competitors. The management training courses and practical courses of the organiser of Marcus Evans this expertise. This Marcus Evans is world’s leading provider of business information. The company structure is based on the conception and execution of events. The services of Marcus Evans Ltd.

are among other management training and leadership conferences, market analysis, and much more. More than 2,000 employees are working. To generate a turnover of more than US $350 million, at 31 locations. The focus at work by Marcus Evans on business information and expertise. Get always the decisive competitive advantage to its customers. Marcus Evans Ltd. offered products include include exclusive conferences, market analysis, B2B Internet solutions and professional training.

The entire training needs of customers can be covered with the comprehensive range of valuable practice courses. The content objective of the customer in the foreground stands in each training concept. So that the courses at any time is economically up-to-date, an own research is responsible Department for the development and preparation of the courses. In addition to the industry-oriented courses, Marcus Evans offers its customers including general management training. At any rate, detailed video and CD-ROM includes material. The training courses are suitable for many economic sectors and industries. Resources, information technology, banking and finance, E-Business / Internet strategy include the telecommunications, human. As well as for companies from the sector energy and general business strategy. The current economic situation requires constant training and continuing education of employees. Only way to also secure the important ahead of the competition in the long term.

BRITA Project

What inspires project management experts: the team from Taunusstein has played perfectly on the Board of project management and developed on top of that excellent team spirit. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Jeffrey Hayzlett on most websites. We have from the outset specifically supported the high level of motivation”, explains Project Manager Andreas Meyer-Eggers, honest information of all stakeholders, independent activities of our employees, and a solution-oriented dealing with problems among the success factors.” Also, carefully appropriate staff for the team had been selected and trained specifically for their tasks during the project. About 50 internal and external partners from around the world were involved in the development project. A sophisticated communication plan with regular meetings, workshops and teleconferences ensured that information in the project flowing smoothly. Rio- Tinto Diamonds has many thoughts on the issue. Also it was directed A project team bodies to consult with its partners and stakeholders. Similar stringent it laid down the mission-critical work processes (processes) in his project. The project had a clear, solid frame,”the BRITA project manager reported, we have clarified the project order carefully and then planned, what we do and we can advance our project with which work processes.” Also, you have precisely set objectives, priorities and tasks and communicated. Teams of Fraport AG, operator of the Frankfurt airport, and the DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH merged to a community project.

You were faced with the difficult task of establishing a new procedure, with the flight operations processes should be optimized (airport collaborative decision making”, short airport CDM”). Thus, the team created a framework to improve the exchange of information for the clearance of aircraft and to vote. Such improvements help to reduce errors in the process and resources better to use. The bottom line, therefore energy saved and contribute to environmental protection. Also, the optimizations make air transport more punctual. “We assume that airport CDM has contributed to improving the punctuality by a stabilization of the processes”, says project manager Stefan Hilger, the departure punctuality has risen at Frankfurt airport as compared to the previous year by approximately five percent.

Commercial Staff Open

Career opportunities for job-seekers in the region opened right in the Centre of Leipzig ZAG staff & perspectives on 1 April 2013, the 100th branch and there focuses on commercial and medical staff services. The company is active for 16 years with a branch in Leipzig as an innovative partner for staffing solutions in the commercial and technical applications. Now to ZAG in place more professional on individual to meet the needs of customers and qualified applicants. Besides market knowledge and experience, the Leipzig team comes with a close connection to the region. We act responsible for the labour market and the economic power spot”, so Personaldisonent Rico Schulze, who holds the personal contact with candidates, employees and customers as a first point of contact in the Office. Cooperation with universities, colleges and other educational institutions contribute to the good networking by ZAG with. As an important economic and trading site, Leipzig has won several appointed to the most business-friendly city in Germany and attracts young people. Yet companies have again with the consequences of demographic change to fight: shortage is created. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Jeffrey Hayzlett.

Rico Schulze stressed: “we deal with this situation together. “Job-seekers, we create a perspective and customers a powerful network.” New challenges keep the career. Qualified employees have to ZAG best job opportunities and expand your professional network at the same time: you can benefit from an individual selection of precisely positions and demanding projects. With permanent missions and permanent employees, the company provides a long-term perspective with attractive remuneration models and a company pension plan. The staff experts answer questions like the number 03 41 / 1 41 62 20 or in the personal interview. The online portal at application allows a quick and easy application.

About ZAG staff & prospects group ZAG staff & Perspectives founded in 1984 in Hannover, is one of the leading personnel service providers in Germany with over 10,000 employees. Provides temporary staffing and recruitment ZAG even qualified applicants and applicants excellent routes of entry and career opportunities in the changing labour market. For more information see. How to contact with ZAG staff & perspectives Rico Schulze Bruhl 52 04109 Leipzig Tel. 03 41 / 1 41 62 20

A Full Charge Liquidity

Vantargis factoring provides free factoring-check carriers at Munich, 03.12.2008 it makes the current financial crisis particularly difficult to secure their liquidity the nearly 20,000 German forwarders. Many small and medium-sized forwarders have full order books and want to expand the business, but financially quickly reach their limits, when their customers long payment targets. Finally, the truck, diesel, toll and personnel costs must be paid on time. Factoring can while creating as alternative funding solution and sustainably secure the liquidity of the company. The entrepreneur receives an immediate inflow of liquidity through the sale of its assets. He does not wait until the customer pays the outstanding bills, but gets his money within two business days. The Vantargis factoring trucking companies now offers a free factoring-check.

Interested parties can contact 089 242 937 318 non-binding information whether factoring can be used in your company, where the benefits There are and how much the whole thing. Transport companies have to consider whether they can permanently safeguard their liquidity with factoring the possibility in the brief telephone conversation”, explains Marco Frohlich, Manager of the Vantargis factoring. Should miss no company this service”. Factoring for trucking companies: a practical example In the fictitious case study the Rais forwarding factoring for their growth inserts. The Rais forwarding generated an annual turnover of around 700,000 euros in 2007.

The business focuses on trips of finished products and dairy products for further processing after Italy. Although the order situation is good and running the business, it is still due to the long payment terms of up to 90 days again and again to liquidity bottlenecks”, explains managing director Herbert Rother the situation. The Bank did not further increase the existing overdraft due to lack of additional collateral and introduced them to a factor. Bank found in common conversation and Entrepreneurs a consensus that when using by factoring the existing overdraft to 20 percent should be reduced. To ensure a sufficient financing ratio even with this reduction. So we save on borrowing costs and take no additional collateral”, explains Rother. Factoring so simply work’s as soon as the delivery of the respective driver arrived, exhibiting the forwarding invoices to customers. Parallel, the factor receives them for processing. Within two working days so 80 percent of the invoice amount to our account are credited”, Rother is pleased. For the customers, almost nothing has changed, because they simply transfer the balance to another account number. This is noted on the invoice. In addition to securing the liquidity, the now near-zero ongoing bad debts are a crucial reason for the use of factoring. We have fallen several times on the belly, as we have done business with customers, by the factor insurances were rejected. From this we have learned”, so Herbert Rother. After the liquidity is secured, the Rais forwarding plans further growth and diversification into other areas such as the then fast-growing plastics industry. Prospects for more information see. There also the 50-seitige free factoring guide can be ordered. Background to the Vantargis factoring the Vantargis factoring GmbH is a bank-independent factoring company. The company financed small and medium-sized enterprises with an annual turnover of up to EUR 10 million nationwide as a full service provider in the factoring. Here, the Vantargis factoring GmbH with finance, insurance of bad debts and Receivables Management combines all aspects of factoring in any service. For companies from 10 million Euro turnover is factoring also implemented in the in-house procedure. Questions or more information: Vantargis factoring GmbH Widenmayerstr 28 80538 Munich Ilka Stiegler corporate communications phone: 089 2429373-18 E-mail:

Federal Association

exorbyte exorbyte is favored industry specialist of bvh (bvh) having Federal Association of the German mail order company in June as a preferred business partner awarded and is thus known to the search leader as a favored industry specialists. Only selected companies are included in the program, provide essential and superior services to the shipping trade, and this is confirmed by various Member companies. exorbyte in the circle of the preferred business recorded partner, because the companies in the industry enjoys a particularly high level of confidence and is an essential partner in conversion optimization”, as Martin Gardner, who is responsible at the bvh for the program. We are pleased that exorbyte brings his many years of industry experience and expertise in terms of store locator now available for the work of the bvh and anxiously look forward the future cooperation.” Both organizations benefit from the already existing and now reinforced cooperation; first and foremost the Association and its Members for which this certification is another indicator of the high quality standard of exorbyte and a signpost for relationships. Exchange of information used here also, which won industry wishes and suggestions directly into product development to integrate.

We are pleased to be partner of the bvh recognized as a preferred business. For us, this is a further confirmation of the high satisfaction of our customers with our solutions and services. “, as Gero Luben, CEO at exorbyte. Almost simultaneously, exorbyte has released a new and extensively revised version of his intelligent shop search. The major release of 2012 is further combined with new features, improvements and more opportunities, the search and merchandising and automated. So the cloud solution has intelligent ranking now include campaign management for time-controlled merchandising, starting from the visitors behavior, zero-hit management to the productive use of zero hits, as well as other features such as site search fault-tolerant fulltext search on the entire site or facet generator for automatic extracting facets from the body text. The search system is integrated in three steps and can be tested as free in our own shop. All features, details and new features see.

About exorbyte the exorbyte LLC is an award-winning software company that develops intelligent solutions for search and analysis in semi structured data sets. exorbyte’s in-memory SearchCube and its unique applications are worldwide leaders in the combination of more accurate fault-tolerance, performance, and ability to customize. The intelligent search exorbyte commerce search developed specifically for online-shops”and their promotional functions are integrated in any shop in minutes. Many shops rely on the popular and leading in the price/performance ratio, intelligent in-shop search for demonstrably more usability, conversions, and sales. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Natalie Ravitz. The bvh thanks to E-Commerce and Internet, mail order is as vital as never. The Federal Association of the German mail order company (bvh) is the industry association of shipping and online retailers. Over 330 companies in the Association are currently organized, offering their wares by catalog, Internet or TV. These include shipper with common catalogue and Internet offer, pure e-tailers, TV senders, pharmacy shipper and eBay PowerSeller. Through his many contacts and networks, the bvh in the political sphere ensures an efficient representation of interests on important industry issues.