
Initially generated many questions about the level of control that we have in all the events that happen in our life, the majority of people think that a large set of things out of our control, for example if we are to our work and has happened a shock, or the attitude of a Chief, the rains, how will respond to a client to the proposals of our services, or the way in which we establish relationships with others, actually that is not true and you can start to check it with small experiments with interpersonal relationships, for example if over time disrespectful dealings we have accepted our mind assumes that the situation is normal and happens that these events may occur frequently in our life and we who create such situations at the subconscious levelAnother example is that of a person that the lives of others interested much, enjoy knowing if someone was married, how much WINS, if it has lover, how dresses, etc. It will happen that this desire to learn about others becomes one power information, and that person will be able to send a powerful message to the universe capable of generating any circumstance to get information, they may drop calls from someone who did not want to talk to that person but that call lets you know some information and so on any number of factors will combine to ensure compliance with their subconscious desires, if you are observant you will notice that many of these people not even out of the workplace more however He learns everything or acts with power without realizing it. That power is available at all times but takes time to install it in our mind, is not that I think today in a luxurious home and tomorrow appears that House of luxury in my life, need constant work on what you really want to, let us imagine the case of a boy who watched the unpunctual behavior of their parents, I never hear say that punctuality was importantIf one was unpunctual it irrespetaba else, which above all to oneself, hence going to church, films, meetings, etc.

Land Ray

Then, they pass to be influenced more for the mutual attractive power (between its substances), coming back if to approach, in an infinite cycle! He is as I describe in the reformularizations that I made of the universal gravitation (Newton): for the repulsion between center-astral antisubstances, the divider of the reformularization is the ray (orbital) raised to the third power! Already the Newtonian formula of the universal gravitation, has as dividing the ray (orbital) raised to the SQUARE! Then, it is enough to use these two formulas, that if arrive at a break-even point (the AVERAGE orbital ray). Already the repulsion between the antimatter center-astral and the magmatic substance encircles that it (well next), is calculated by mine second reformularization, whose divider it is the ray (distance of the antimatter center-astral to the magmatic substance), raised to the fourth power! Therefore we do not feel the influence of the antimatter center-astral in the terrestrial surface: for this reformularization, the antimatter repulsion coming of the interior of the Land, arrives at its practically NULL surface, IN RELATION To the SUBSTANCE! Exists much controversy on the constitution of the center of the Land, but nobody proved until today as such really it is, and as I commented previously, who knows the terrestrial magnetism is caused by the antimatter center-astral? But all we can be wrong! What I present is only one theory, that according to my opinion, he is better in the subject, until the present moment! Let us see: Orbits elipsides if do not support without a direct, gradual repulsion that it is, of astro central and vice versa, that is: this would be impossible for the concepts of the current astrophysics, therefore as the artificial satellites not constantly controlled, such orbital astros would fall or run away from astro central. Because: moons do not fall and nor run away from its planets, as these in relation to its stars, for if attracting until the point of if repelling as magnets of equal polar regions come back one toward the other: its centers are full of antimatter (that, in contrast of the substance, to everything it repels, and with force for having to see with metals heavy (barysphere – NIFE), and repels much more it proper it when misguided (magnets of equal polar regions)), which is located in the center of astro, envolta for an emptiness: the repulsive barrier of the antimatter, that there, under extreme compression and cohesion of the magma around, if it holds as a solid, as they demonstrate the waves of compression detected by the seismographs in activity.