Boris Krieger

Spiritual food offered by the philosopher and writer, so readers useless even to take over and try to eat – they do not saturate it. Indeed, in this spiritual subsistence absolutely no blood of any " and even dirt on which you want to immediately close the book and thoroughly wash. But for the thinking reader, for those who used at least minimally to analyze themselves, their actions, their lives, the events and phenomena in the world, the book by Boris Krieger discover a wonderful, bright, kind world – a world in which you want to live, a world that wants to build, create, to which we must strive, even if this world – in somewhat utopian. I got the impression that Krieger – a person who has learned to live in harmony with the environment. I suspect that this helped him to his own natural contemplation and contemplation of nature.

One of the first and most important impressions of the writer's work: all of his books are very positive energy. In the world of his books go, how to place a cottage in which he lives friendly and hospitable host. Here, all on its own places. The soft light creates a comfortable environment. The living room fireplace is burning. On the walls – paintings by famous masters The owner has prepared a number of fun surprises for the guests, games, jokes, jokes, funny stories – all in order to Relax, get comfortable A master of the intelligent, elegant conversation, and will throw another puzzle, puzzles for joint discussion and decision

Master – Slave Relationship

This interaction at the level of master – slave. I’m sure you grab a pencil is on the front pages of philosophical books, to mark favorite moments. Then to return again and again to them, re-read. And how much time you re-read – as many will find new ideas, clues in the text, and then – and in their own head. Thus gradually changing world. I assure you – the better.

After all, the author reflects not only himself, but also specifically in the conversation stimulates thought reader. In the “Kitchen of philosophy, there are some moments, which you can not agree. For example, the author raises a very important issue of our time – the violence in literature and on screen, promoting Satanism. This problem really exists. And really have something do with it. Here are just examples, which leads Boris Krieger, initially struck me as weak and not entirely convincing. For example, Bulgakov, Boris Krieger has been criticized for excessive “Satanism and mysticism in” The Master and Margarita ” C my point of view, these literary devices in this classic novel is completely justified. (Of course, a philosopher primarily involves the product of “modern culture in recent years.”) But once I had gathered to criticize such “assaults”, as Krieger gave an excellent recipe for all writers: “Literature, introspective and not go – that’s the path that requires soul. Some are extremely talented – Proust, Nabokov – for some reason think that if they are extremely accurate and honest documentary that they felt let this be the lowlands – but so will struggle their frailty.

In Guarani

Speaking Guarani, when it comes to F, attends the resource substitution, when he utters words of Castilian origin possessing the F in its structure. In Guarani, usually, the F is replaced by the S. So: Noodle is replaced by Sideo Fiambre is substituted by Siambre 3rd) the consonant L Spanish L is an alveolar fricative sound; While, in Guarani it is also of little use, since it is not a phoneme of the Guarani. Speaking Guarani, when it comes to the L, also attends the resource substitution; so it is that, in Guarani the L is replaced by the R. So: Store is replaced by Armacen rent is replaced by Salud 4th) composed in Spanish consonants is common use of compound consonants; in other words, two consonants with one, two or three vowels in the same syllable.

For its part, in Guarani it must pronounce Castillo words with any compound consonant, faced terrible phonetic difficulties, was forced to go to the replacement and adaptation. Examples: Problem is replaced by Polema indelible is replaced by Indelible 5th) the accentuation in the Castilian predominate with accentuation plain, serious, or short words; Whereas, predominate with acute accent words in Guarani. This fact is very important because, like all cases until now described, it has a remarkable and decisive impact on the expression of the speaker. Examples: The Spanish cow, Guarani says Vaka horse of the Spanish, Guarani says Kavaju 9.2. MORPHOLOGICAL differences 1 St) noun: shape and time certain words from Guarani, as the specific case of oscillating nouns have two (tajyra / rajy) or three (tesa / resa / hesa oga / roga / hoga) forms for use, hence the denomination of nouns biformes and transformer respectively, and they have direct effect on the syntax and semantics. On the other hand, in Spanish some words have two or more forms, the same no impact on syntax or semantics, for example: iron (iron).