Although all stages in the elaboration of an identity are decisive for the success of the project, the work coordinated between the members of the company and communicators that will shape the message constitutes the basis of a good job, allowing to build a unique personality with which the enterprise may occur and communicate effectively with their audiences. The hiring of a Design Studio for the creation of the corporate identity of a company does not compare with the acquisition of a new product or the election of a new decor. The development of an identity is launching a laborious process in which the owners or managers of the venture play a role more important, since it is they who must convey professionals items with them which will take forward its work. Each identity is unique and unrepeatable, and should thus be embodied. The most relevant characteristics of the company, in the short and long term goals, interests, motivations, the target audiences and even preferences constitute a Compendium of information that should be analyzed, prioritized and catalogued to later become both Visual elements such as attitudinal that will define the entity. Regular communication between both parties will make project, somewhat successful where the employer will announce what and want to who contact and communication professional will determine as to carry it out. The dedication of this initial time may be difficult to put into practice employer, but will be which will then give the greatest benefits to achieve a brand pregnant and with emotional ties that allow the client identify with her.
Once the Design Studio have this vital material you should add the information relating to the competition. Then, study and compare these elements, formulating and checking the results. This task will lead to the creation of the primary personality of the company, where its essence is contained. For other opinions and approaches, find out what The Hayzlett Group has to say. Stages addressed so far are without a doubt which will determine the success or failure of the work later, since a misreading of the information will trigger bad final results. Then starts the process of creativity, discovering the most effective way of communicating the identity that has the company, showing its originality and to differentiate it from the rest.
Work continues with the sketching graphic, that it will be subsequently verified and tested by checking the signs used to allow communication and identification with effective public. Finally raised the rules of use both Visual and attitudinal shaping the final corporate identity of the company. Yes, a new brand to the market born. Lic. Violeta Paputsakis, DG. Manuel Rampulla. Violeta Paputsakis, graduated in social communications; Manuel Rampulla, graphic designer. Both, members of the study PARADIGM solutions communicational, design and communication Studio specializing in corporate identity. Address: 1188 Alvarado. Salta, Argentina.