It was something higher, but at the same time, and deeper, and more! My thoughts strayed again and I thought about the coming dawn, which I have already met in the No matter in what time (although your sunrises should always be considered, because you do not know is that you ask, for example, the universe or better yet, your cell phone after his death). Left for the summer, but cold and a particularly Silent balcony. Lit. Before me as always been one and the same pattern, which a month ago has attracted my immobility, blue, maybe even in his own eyes destkie. "Today, especially blue sky" – thought I did not even aware of it. Yes, it was just dark blue. No, it was not terrible, it just fine, but it is so annoying that a sense of humility and a sense of self-hatred with great speed series Speed Again that word! Why is it here? I threw a cigarette, not finished smoking it, even though the national bank cards in my wallet was worthless is not much. Why again is the word pierced into my mind? Why? What it wants from me? Apparently it means no! It does not means! It instructs me to correct my thinking as the rainy sky gray body.

I returned to my previous thoughts on DVD-rum. He needs the speed. But if a lot of speed, he breaks down No, he did not break, but it breaks something else, because he can not from what they gave him to survive to die. And then my mind instantly absorbed the thought of it After all, when she was a lot of people start to get lost in life and "die." For it is because of her people live. It its someone Principal gave us to survive in the world and someone very tricky it's not liking it and its first port, and we just its ! But while here Speed? What the hell Speed! In my head is already whirling thought of extraterrestrial happiness about it. Thoughts broke off DVD-rum slowly began to suffocate