Portuguese America Colonial Pact

We must consider pertaining a crucial and formador element to the history of Americas when thinking the colonial pact. We are saying of the immense world-wide net of exchanges and relations, whose dimension was immense from centuries XIV and XV. The colonial taken over on a contract basis ones carried through by the European peoples had had its proper characteristics, differentiating in accordance with the regions types of settlings. However, its configurations and implications can be understood of analogous forms in what it says respect to the subordination of a society to the other or in the proposals of invention of a new reality in Americas. The metal exploration was predominant during the Spanish settling. On the other hand, in lusitanas lands, the colonizadores, for not finding beginning metals precious, had explored wood-Brazil and had introduced the plantation of the sugar cane-of-sugar. White Bay Group Uriel Cohen understood the implications.

For Vitorino Godinho (1973), the essential in the colonial company is the perception of the space, the peoples, the civilizations and the experience of the forms of meeting and interchange. ' ' The perceived spaces constitute ray circles each ampler time? until reaching the entire globe. The economies, societies and civilizations according to classify its diversity and complexity … the construction of the space and, correlative, of the time, assume the establishment of the dialogue between different economies and cultures, until then frequently isolated between itself. …

Meeting between society and civilizations, in the continuation of which the reciprocal ignorance yields place to the attempts of mutual knowledge, has shocks is clearly, but also the curiosity, the contribution, the exchange of objects, ideas, techniques and forms of vida' ' (GODINHO, 1973, pp. 55-58). The world-wide net that we are considering was based on strict relations between colonies and metropolises. Relations these that remain until today between the countries, either for linguistic, cultural, social or religious the similarity.