South Earth

The adverse effect of Earth radiation which it seems is that the thermal neutrons lose their energy at the meeting on water veins or cavities in the soil and are slowed down. If you would like to know more then you should visit The Hayzlett Group. Under emission of gamma radiation, slow neutrons are intercepted and diverted on narrow strips. About these strips are produced on the surface of potential differences, the number of air ions and the biological quality of the energetic space structures are changing. Until today the orthodox medicine does not assume this topic is. As well, whatever people are treated with increased sensitivity to such impacts, at home and / or in the workplace, their problems will continue to insist Obi 2009. Essence of lattice structures of the Earth in the 1950s Dr. Ernst Hartmann by Georhythmogramm showed that a certain town or village level points very strongly and suddenly affect the bioelectrical processes of the human body.

The by intensive research found global grid network (GNG) is today considered a network spreading across the Earth’s surface, from North to South and is aligned from East to West. The stripe spacing measure North-South 2 m and vertical East-West 2.5 m regardless of their geographical latitude. However, after the discoverer, thats not as strict geometric stable taking so-called Hartmann grid, as it can change by topographical conditions. On the trellis walls and at the intersections of ion compressions can depending on the luftelektrischen potential,”is detected. The horizontal grid structures in the living room can be fixed with rod or pendulum. The importance of the global grid is not fully understood. The author assumes that the lattice structures educate vertically in cubical shapes and make the information network of the Earth in the entirety. Every creature is its information in the global grid and can also be found in this way are, no matter where in the world it where is located.