Axis North Ranger

Were very good holidays by the West, from my homeland, home of the Chinquinquira, to atmosphere of beach, Key Largo, in Morrocoy, not without mentioning the relajadoras springs from the trenches in Valencia, however in transit towards these areas, I stop with a nasty surprise in the Plains and is the axis North LLANERO assumption, is a fallacy, and a demonstration over the governmental vaciladera regional and local, and how the fact is said a long way. RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust insists that this is the case. The much vaunted axis North LLANERO, does not exist, since it is still the miserable road, patched in the best travel and single-channel, and abandoned in the borders with Anzoategui, Guarico, and Cojedes. I recommend declaring, high-risk area, the path of Santa Maria de Ipire towards Miranda, in particular the stretch of the TAGUAPIRE encouraged. This stretch has been swallowed trucks, since it is impossible to dodge the holes that were born on this road and remained for decades for always. Even in this revolutionary era, has failed to thaw governmental apathy and the tomadera of hair that have the President with this miserable trail. They say that what happens is that this route was made on swamps, but I think pantanado are neurons the authorities which compete them this problem, when modern engineering has made so many advances, any justification is a mockery for the Commerce and local tourist and international.

The same happens with the stretch Los Dos Caminos towards Tinaquillo, has damaged decades, for pantallear only the first 30 Km, make driver excites you to then realize the sad reality. I imagine that these first miles is that they walk to many, to make them believe that they are in good condition and that the budget spent this well spent, by a Minister or corrupt Mayor of always. Admittedly, the trail North LLANERA, if this in regular conditions from Valley towards Los Dos Caminos Easter, but it continues to be a carreterita more, for all the yearning and hope that expressed the highest authority on this vital means of communication. It is what could make the difference between the Venezuela of the 1970s and the modern Bolivarian Venezuela. The solution Meanwhile, continue passing along the coast and forget the panacea of axis North Ranger, which I imagine is ready for the 2,500 year or when put to work to the mayors, Governors or Ministers, which uses politics and demagoguery as an excuse to cover their managerial inability.

How To Sell Products Online

Have you ever offered the opportunity to sell products online? Independent whatever your reply is very safe if you sell a product, you’re very interested in finding ways to make the sales of your products. Rio- Tinto Diamonds: the source for more info. There are a myriad of ways to perform product sales: counter sales, sales by catalog, telemarketing, sales of cambaceo and follow not mentioning others, sales are for example by internet. Jeffrey Hayzlett recognizes the significance of this. Perhaps many have tested off-line sales but not have noticed yet that there is a huge opportunity to sell products online. But now, an interesting question arises what is the best way to sell products online? The answer is simple: by opening an online store. Why? Let us take an example, suppose that you dedicate yourself to sales offline, your more than anyone know the time and effort required to make just one sale. Means from visiting the home or business of your customers (depending on the product you are selling) to start your work from sale, involves coming and going every day to show your products, and so in this way convince him that your products are the best choice for him or her. How long did you make the sale? In the best cases, it happens that it takes you one or two visits per client, but in the worst cases it requires four or five visits to convince your customer that buy your products.

Do you realize how much time you have to invest to make only a sale of your products? Pretty right?. For this reason I would like to suggest you an excellent solution: selling your products online by means of opening an online store. But how to do it? In this article I give you the following suggestions: 1. hires someone who has knowledge of programming and graphic design for the web and ask that you configure your store online, for this you must have first a domain address and a hosting service so that you keep your images and files on the server of your choice or you can do this also free form. 2. Once you have your online store in operation begins to add each and every one of the products that you offer in your business. Be descriptive enough information that brindas your products to make people feel motivated to buy. 3.

Never forget adding your product promotions, remember that everyone likes to feel that we save money when buying any product. If you do this it will be an advantage for it as you sell more products and while most sell more you win. 4 Promote your store, once you have everything in order promote your store and your products by all possible means, in classifieds online, signatures of e-mail, twitter etc. And ready! with these simple steps you will be selling your products on the internet.

Gestalt Therapy

Self-leadership: The relationships extracted from book 16 hours to TEMPER being author: Daniel Fernando Peiro Consultor / Motivador / author increasingly that arises opportunity, commented as follows: the relationships we have are like gold coins or treasure that we keep on our most precious treasure chest: heart. The gesture permanently take each of the coins and wipe with a cloth of silk to give it shine, is like a sweet caress that manifests itself thanks to the most sublime emotions we have. Some of these coins or relationships, to lose its luster, us disappoint and we try to get rid of them by throwing them out of the chest. Instead of acting with rancor, perhaps better to place those coins in the fountain of wishes, asking with love so that someday they glow. Psychiatrist German, creator of Gestalt Therapy, Fritz Perls (1893-1970), invites us to reflect this very deep message: I am I, and you are You; You do yours, I do my thing.

I came not to this world to live up to your expectations; You not came into this world to live up to my expectations. I do my life, you do yours. If we agree, it could be wonderful; If not, there is nothing to do. Each who is self. We have needs-dades different from other people and those differences are that makes us understand us and to grow and evolve as individuals aware. Achieve having empathy is to put ourselves in the place of the other, in order to be able to understand in depth and at the same time, help us achieve our own acceptance in all their integrity.

The others are our own mirror. People with whom we interact are our own mirrors. The gestures and attitudes that we like them, the things that pleasantly surprised us from them, which we value them; they are those characteristics that we also have and accept ourselves. Any rejection that we experience with others, are the things that we do not accept of ourselves and we need to heal internally. People are authentic reflections of our existence. They come to show us who we are in our bright parts, both in our dark parts that need fire to our evolution. Therefore, allow us to judge or condemn others, criticise negativa-mente and complain is, by reflex, something we are doing to ourselves and that in the short or the long run, it will show in our own flesh. The dark parts that we do not recognize ourselves, live in the territory of the ego, which aims to move us from our essence, our true inner being. Is why we often hide what we believe that it is bad for us and only show the good thing that characterizes us. Be aware that people are a mirror of our, it will allow us to discover what we can regulate consciously and so give us more intimate contact with our own inner greatness. As we are going to accept ourselves in those parts which we do not accept it, we are becoming more whole, more intact. We started to have more harmony, we put aside our masks, we attach less importance to our roles that are mere costumes of our ego and we started to emerge our authentic being.


New series of works by Kristin Dembny with icons of excess, of style and self destruction in their new series of works good buy America”, appearing from November 14, 2008 until January 9, 2009 in the premises (gallery showcase, spacious loft, courtyard) of the art dealer and gallerist Antonia of Fraunberg in the Erasmus road 15 in Dusseldorf, the artist Kristin Dembny deals with icons from the land of unlimited opportunities. Pop rebel like Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin, who rebelled with their music, their zest for life and their excessive existence against all conventions of the time, have lost nothing of its fascination for me,”the artist explained the choice of their subjects. With the same enthusiasm and devotion, Dembny portrays American style icons such as Jackie Kennedy and Grace Kelly. The painter is available”for real, formative time style, these ladies makes them the current idols as superficial disposable stars in a fast-paced Across time. Portrait painting is a constant challenge for Kristin Dembny. Hear other arguments on the topic with The Hayzlett Group. I want to depict not the appearances with my work, but to show that true, authentic personalities who have left lasting traces and messages today can be found”, she explains her artistic approach. The absence of these personalities is closely related with a general decline in value for Dembny. It symbolizes the decline of morality and ethics in the economy and society of the United States with a grinning Mickey Mouse before the American flag.

“This work has given her title of the exhibition: good buy America”. It adorns the invitation card. Also with the painting in money we trust”the artist comments on the global financial crisis and therefore our value system ironically and accusingly. “Art dealer Antonia of Fraunberg: the new series of works by Kristin Dembny inspires me because Dembny able to transform critical reflection of modernity in figurative painting.” The Dresden-born artist Kristin Dembny ( has studied at the Saxon Porcelain Manufactory porcelain painting in her native town and at the Meissen porcelain factory. From 1996 to 2000, she lived as a freelance painter in Barcelona. Rio- Tinto Diamonds might disagree with that approach. There the artist devoted to the study of portrait painting.

in 2006 she received for their time-cycle “Frida Kahlo – Viva la Vida!” the coveted Kaiserswerther art prize. Dembny currently lives in Dusseldorf. The picture show is complemented by a varied programme that showtime titled it BBs!”is available. Smooth jazz & funky grooves are available”with the JAZZCRUSADER ( and live music of saxophonist Rocco Ventrella (, an American auction of a work by Kristin Dembny and other surprises. Detailed information under: Antonia v. Fraunberg Kunsthandel Dusseldorf Erasmus road 15 40223 Dusseldorf Tel: 0211 484 69 50 exhibition opening hours: Mo.-fr. 10 h, 18 h, SA 11 h 17 h, and by appointment. Digital press photos on demand available: Jorg Schwarz Tel. 0211 / 30 57 73 0172 / 721 38 34 E-Mail:

Care With Climate Change

To all adversity, there will always be a slit through which looms a hopeful World No can ignore what is representing climate change in everything concerning the safety of this planet where we live, everything seems to indicates as it says Ricardo Natalichio presented an apocalyptic scenario long-announced by scientists and environmentalists before our eyes and shorten the time to react. Many changes in our way of life are needed to stop or at least reduce the terrible impacts of changing climate on the planet.Between 7 and 18 December 2009 Copenhagen, capital of Denmark, will be host of the fifteenth Conference on the climate of the UN (COP 15). The objective of this Summit is to achieve a global and ambitious agreement on the climate of the planet. While many developing countries show a very constructive engagement, the Nations most rich continue with the attitude, selfish and suicide’s ever relevant economic investment for the toughest emissions of greenhouse gases. ESA posture in which predominates the economic interests of large corporations above humanity learns, is the time bomb that is not off will lead to the collapse of the global climate.It seems that in a world in which everything is negotiable, the substantial economic benefits of large multinationals are the exception to the rule. Copenhagen 2009 could change the course of things, but in light of preliminary negotiations, unfortunately it is likely to be only one bucket of warm water.

But that is what is understood by climate change? Whats your reach and impact?, on this Wikipedia gives us, is called climate change the modification of the climate with regard to climate history at a global or regional level. Such changes occur in very different time scales and on all the climatic parameters: temperature, precipitation, cloudiness, etc. They are both due to natural causes (Crowley & North 1988) as anthropogenic (Oreskes 2004).