Another Pearl

The new proposal for bilingual – in the words of its authors – education means, simply, that we consider ourselves with the capacity and the courage to raise it for the educational sector from the MEC. Actually not much capacity is needed but yes great courage to propose instead of the Guarani, the indiscriminate use of the Paraguayan Guarani assumption or jehe to. More indiscriminate in the 1999 proposal. We can say, that the proposal of bilingual education, MEC (2004) includes the teaching of Castilian and; on the other hand, of a Spanish with a few words in Guarani (what for the MEC is Guarani). As well, I may henceforth be written and tell majo; for its part, March will be marso; August will be agoto; and so several other colossal nonsense. Another Pearl of the new proposal for bilingual education is – for example – in how to write the Spanish word exponent.

According to the brainy authors of this gem, that word must be written eksponente (eks-po-nen-te). However, anyone knows that Guarani is characterized by direct silabacion (most vocal single or consonant vowel), by the syllables of the Guarani never end in a consonant. Accordingly, syllables ending in consonant constitute a phonetic difficulty for the Guarani-speaking. It may not decide them or will have difficulties when you do this, because the vocal apparatus of the Guarani-speaking not adapted points and modes of articulation for these consonants consisting of Castilian. In any case, and only by way of analysis, the most that a Guarani-speaker can say is ey-po-ne-nte, but never eksponente.

For this reason, the new Word provlema, is incorrect since there are no pra, pre, pri, pro, pru, pry syllables in Guarani, and nor is there any bla, ble, bli, blo, blu, bly syllables..


EJ. They have been identified four key theoretical perspectives in Sociology: functionalism, theory of conflict, interactionism and the Exchange theory. 2 Formal theories and intermediate-range set of interrelated propositions whose purpose is to explain an abstract class of human behavior. EJ. Theories on social learning and development, applied to the child and the adult.

3. Substantive theories. Propositions or interrelated concepts that focus on certain aspects of population, scenarios, or time. I.e. limited to identifiable populations, stages and time characteristics in its realization.

EJ. Theories developed to explain formal teaching and learning in schools, especially the Ethnography in education. Note. Table prepared with information taken from LeCompte, and Goetz (1988, pp. 60-62) based on the issues raised above, it can be stated that systematic sets of explanations, which give an account of the different elements that make up the complex process of learning, have been developed becoming a coherent corpus of ideas, which underlies the reason for each of the elements and processes that comprise itgiving rise to the so-called theories of learning. In this context, be understood as learning theory to construct that explains and predicts how humans learn. However, learning as a complex process, designed numerous interpretations and theories that seek their explanation. In this way, different theories of learning that emerged as part of the social sciences, respond to scientific approaches that have emerged in the historic passing of the man, to explain them. Interpreting the approaches made by Kuhn (1998), these movements scientists, who have influenced the theories of learning, are paradigmatic revolutions, followed by its corresponding period of normal science. A scientific revolution corresponds to the abandonment of a paradigm and the adoption of a new, by the consensus of the scientific community in its entirety Kuhn (op. cit). Theories of learning, these revolutions would be given by the behavioral theory, cognitive theory and the constructivist theory.