Axis North Ranger

Were very good holidays by the West, from my homeland, home of the Chinquinquira, to atmosphere of beach, Key Largo, in Morrocoy, not without mentioning the relajadoras springs from the trenches in Valencia, however in transit towards these areas, I stop with a nasty surprise in the Plains and is the axis North LLANERO assumption, is a fallacy, and a demonstration over the governmental vaciladera regional and local, and how the fact is said a long way. RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust insists that this is the case. The much vaunted axis North LLANERO, does not exist, since it is still the miserable road, patched in the best travel and single-channel, and abandoned in the borders with Anzoategui, Guarico, and Cojedes. I recommend declaring, high-risk area, the path of Santa Maria de Ipire towards Miranda, in particular the stretch of the TAGUAPIRE encouraged. This stretch has been swallowed trucks, since it is impossible to dodge the holes that were born on this road and remained for decades for always. Even in this revolutionary era, has failed to thaw governmental apathy and the tomadera of hair that have the President with this miserable trail. They say that what happens is that this route was made on swamps, but I think pantanado are neurons the authorities which compete them this problem, when modern engineering has made so many advances, any justification is a mockery for the Commerce and local tourist and international.

The same happens with the stretch Los Dos Caminos towards Tinaquillo, has damaged decades, for pantallear only the first 30 Km, make driver excites you to then realize the sad reality. I imagine that these first miles is that they walk to many, to make them believe that they are in good condition and that the budget spent this well spent, by a Minister or corrupt Mayor of always. Admittedly, the trail North LLANERA, if this in regular conditions from Valley towards Los Dos Caminos Easter, but it continues to be a carreterita more, for all the yearning and hope that expressed the highest authority on this vital means of communication. It is what could make the difference between the Venezuela of the 1970s and the modern Bolivarian Venezuela. The solution Meanwhile, continue passing along the coast and forget the panacea of axis North Ranger, which I imagine is ready for the 2,500 year or when put to work to the mayors, Governors or Ministers, which uses politics and demagoguery as an excuse to cover their managerial inability.


In one of the first classes that we are witnessing in the Centre professional of haute cuisine in Caracas, Venezuela, when we began to study cuisine, chef of the Marianne Pineda theoretical class, made a dynamic that consisted of testing different spices and seasonings for cooking. The goal was to learn to differentiate flavors, aromas, learn to spice up and know the compatibilities. We learned that most known herb mixture is the ship of garni (thyme, bay leaf, parsley and celery), all wrapped in a leaf of Leek (porro garlic), used for flavouring different dishes; the mirepoix is a mixture of vegetable compound cut onion, celery, carrot, used to give taste and aroma to the funds; that depices sachet, is a bouquet of herbs and spices formed by thyme, parsley, bay leaf, peppercorns, crushed garlic and cloves, which is used to add flavor to the funds and Provence herbs, is a mixture of thyme, parsley, Rosemary, marjoram, oregano, Basil and laurel, which the French popularized to perfume their dishes. The memory I have fresh that out of class, everyone complained by their troubled stomachs of both test condiments. Now we understand perfectly the importance of that class to differentiate and identify the flavours of the cuisine. The previous week wrote of the importance of the sauce in the flavors of Latin cuisine and how could enrich by adding herbs and spices.

Following in this pattern, this week write of condiments and the flavours of the world are characterized as its uses. For example the pesto is purely Italian, ginger suggest East and Mint to the Middle East. Another important aspect is to know the compatibilities of the herbs and spices. Thus we have that Basil is compatible with white fish, chicken, seafood, salads and eggs; dill salmon, vegetables, cheese and potatoes; tarragon chicken with some sauces as the Bernese; fennel with fish, pork and shellfish soups; the chives with fish, eggs, soups, salads and potatoes; the laurel with soups, broths, stews and sauces; Marjoram and oregano with the pork, grilled meats, scented oils and tomato sauce; parsley with soups, fish, meat and poultry; Rosemary with chicken, pork, lamb and potatoes; the Sage with duck, Turkey, pork, ricotta, risotto and pasta; the thyme with poultry, meat and potatoes; the cumin with grains or beans, pork, lamb, chicken, and soups; the nutmeg with white sauces, potatoes, pasta stuffed with meat and rice with milk; Pepper with almost all savory dishes; paprika or paprika with meats and poultry; nail species with ham, pork, cakes and soups; anise crashed with pork, duck, chicken, fish and seafood; the cinnamon with desserts, rice dishes and breads; cilantro for soups, stews, meat, chicken, fish, pasta and salads; Ginger with chicken, pork, soups and sauces; the mustard sauces, dressings, pork, chicken and rabbit; Pepper Cayenne and chili powder with sauces, seafood, and poultry; turmeric is used to give color yellow rice dishes, dishes of vegetables and chutneys; and the curry chicken, pork, vegetables, seafood and soups.

How To Sell Products Online

Have you ever offered the opportunity to sell products online? Independent whatever your reply is very safe if you sell a product, you’re very interested in finding ways to make the sales of your products. Rio- Tinto Diamonds: the source for more info. There are a myriad of ways to perform product sales: counter sales, sales by catalog, telemarketing, sales of cambaceo and follow not mentioning others, sales are for example by internet. Jeffrey Hayzlett recognizes the significance of this. Perhaps many have tested off-line sales but not have noticed yet that there is a huge opportunity to sell products online. But now, an interesting question arises what is the best way to sell products online? The answer is simple: by opening an online store. Why? Let us take an example, suppose that you dedicate yourself to sales offline, your more than anyone know the time and effort required to make just one sale. Means from visiting the home or business of your customers (depending on the product you are selling) to start your work from sale, involves coming and going every day to show your products, and so in this way convince him that your products are the best choice for him or her. How long did you make the sale? In the best cases, it happens that it takes you one or two visits per client, but in the worst cases it requires four or five visits to convince your customer that buy your products.

Do you realize how much time you have to invest to make only a sale of your products? Pretty right?. For this reason I would like to suggest you an excellent solution: selling your products online by means of opening an online store. But how to do it? In this article I give you the following suggestions: 1. hires someone who has knowledge of programming and graphic design for the web and ask that you configure your store online, for this you must have first a domain address and a hosting service so that you keep your images and files on the server of your choice or you can do this also free form. 2. Once you have your online store in operation begins to add each and every one of the products that you offer in your business. Be descriptive enough information that brindas your products to make people feel motivated to buy. 3.

Never forget adding your product promotions, remember that everyone likes to feel that we save money when buying any product. If you do this it will be an advantage for it as you sell more products and while most sell more you win. 4 Promote your store, once you have everything in order promote your store and your products by all possible means, in classifieds online, signatures of e-mail, twitter etc. And ready! with these simple steps you will be selling your products on the internet.

International Projection

The Investor and Exporter Club awards the international projection of Iberia? The jury valued the successful work carried out in the last months, that the culmination of the fusion with British Airways has allowed. Madrid, the 23 of November of 2010 and Exporter Club Investor has celebrated east month of November its VIII edition of the prizes to the Internationalization. Iberia, leader in cheap flights, obtained the recognition to ” Spanish company with a remarkable projection internacional”. The successful work carried out by Iberia in the last months – that have culminated with the fusion with British Airways- besides the leadership in the markets of Latin America and Europe and the diffusion that the company carries out of the image of Spain in the world have been the keys so that the Jury granted to Iberia first of his prizes. The prize gathered the chief of a main directorate Comercial and Clientes, Manuel Lopez Aguilar.