Gestalt Therapy

Self-leadership: The relationships extracted from book 16 hours to TEMPER being author: Daniel Fernando Peiro Consultor / Motivador / author increasingly that arises opportunity, commented as follows: the relationships we have are like gold coins or treasure that we keep on our most precious treasure chest: heart. The gesture permanently take each of the coins and wipe with a cloth of silk to give it shine, is like a sweet caress that manifests itself thanks to the most sublime emotions we have. Some of these coins or relationships, to lose its luster, us disappoint and we try to get rid of them by throwing them out of the chest. Instead of acting with rancor, perhaps better to place those coins in the fountain of wishes, asking with love so that someday they glow. Psychiatrist German, creator of Gestalt Therapy, Fritz Perls (1893-1970), invites us to reflect this very deep message: I am I, and you are You; You do yours, I do my thing.

I came not to this world to live up to your expectations; You not came into this world to live up to my expectations. I do my life, you do yours. If we agree, it could be wonderful; If not, there is nothing to do. Each who is self. We have needs-dades different from other people and those differences are that makes us understand us and to grow and evolve as individuals aware. Achieve having empathy is to put ourselves in the place of the other, in order to be able to understand in depth and at the same time, help us achieve our own acceptance in all their integrity.

The others are our own mirror. People with whom we interact are our own mirrors. The gestures and attitudes that we like them, the things that pleasantly surprised us from them, which we value them; they are those characteristics that we also have and accept ourselves. Any rejection that we experience with others, are the things that we do not accept of ourselves and we need to heal internally. People are authentic reflections of our existence. They come to show us who we are in our bright parts, both in our dark parts that need fire to our evolution. Therefore, allow us to judge or condemn others, criticise negativa-mente and complain is, by reflex, something we are doing to ourselves and that in the short or the long run, it will show in our own flesh. The dark parts that we do not recognize ourselves, live in the territory of the ego, which aims to move us from our essence, our true inner being. Is why we often hide what we believe that it is bad for us and only show the good thing that characterizes us. Be aware that people are a mirror of our, it will allow us to discover what we can regulate consciously and so give us more intimate contact with our own inner greatness. As we are going to accept ourselves in those parts which we do not accept it, we are becoming more whole, more intact. We started to have more harmony, we put aside our masks, we attach less importance to our roles that are mere costumes of our ego and we started to emerge our authentic being.