Say that this labor hard – to say nothing. The centers help different people – with complex characters, deep-life problems, often to visit the places not so remote, hardened by different defects. To each of them must find an approach, convinced that drugs and commit crimes – it is bad and help radically change your lifestyle. Are there many like to engage in such work, even for big money? And to be a volunteer? With regard to dissatisfaction with some reabilitantov who left these centers, everything here is quite understandable. In all the rehabilitation centers and clinics in a certain percentage of people are undergoing rehabilitation and return to continue lifestyle. This happened with the publication of a hero, "Who and what recruits flock of drug addicts" suffering from alcoholism, Dmitry Kopayeva who did not expect that in a rehabilitation center will be a certain internal regulations and occupational therapy.
Incidentally, after this interview, Dimitri gave for the camera and another – quite the opposite, in which he stated that in the center of social and spiritual help to "Exodus" it all arranged, any claims he has not, and previous interview was given in a state of psychological stress. According to the testimony of Dimitri, the police and the prosecution was conducted testing center, where he stayed for several months. Any violations, of course, not revealed was. Today, the man who brutally used to discredit evangelical churches sektobortsy, returned to the bottle and is located in a drinking bout. It seems that those who criticize Protestants and knows better how to the rehabilitation, can not offer the addict is no alternative.