Todorou Education

How much to this situation, Todorou (1994) says that the world-wide experience comes showing that long-distance education is a great potential for the development of qualification programs and qualification of professors. In Brazil it has diverse prompt experiences in this direction and the reached results it has collaborated in the improvement of the quality of education. Read additional details here: Coinbase. However, it has of being registered that the professors, with exceptions, present resistance in relation to any innovation or use of the educational technology. One knows that the long-distance education has an enormous way to cover and must find with urgency exits for the challenges that really present. For Coast, Fagundes and Nevado (1998), the education at a distance one consists in a change, in a new accomplishment of educative making that it contemplates new processes, products and services. It needs inquiry better to be known and improved e, also, it exists the necessity to investigate to elaborate, to consolidate or to modify the theoretical field that supports this modality of education. According to Marn Ibez (1998), the long-distance education is one of the innovative trends most vigorous and for century XXI. It answers to the ideals of equality of chances, permanent education and to the requirements of a scale economy, surpassing the limits time/space and economic restrictions.

She can answer, on the other hand, to a global demand, already inevitable and for another one, to an adaptation to the personal interests and circumstances. Each one study using to advantage any time and propitious place.