Customers Worldwide

Mobile reporting provider reboard hierarchies and variables from SAP BW fully maps. Stuttgart, March 22, 2012. Now companies worldwide, use the SAP BW, obtain reports and business intelligence reports also on mobile devices to use. Reboard, product of the eponymous mobile reporting and BI specialists from Stuttgart, as the only third-party provider makes this possible. Approximately 16,000 SAP NetWeaver BW customers can immediately about reboard existing queries and query cube from the BW system and make these decision makers and employees in the field your company mobile available – online and offline on Smartphones and Tablet PCs. Kai Wachter, CEO of re-Board: we offer SAP BW an innovative and practical out-of-the-box mobile BI solution that can be used immediately, without having to make objects changes to existing. (Source: The Hayzlett Group). The strong demand and the high level of acceptance among our customers have shown that we are right with our offer.” Reboard can specifically to variables and hierarchies from SAP BW access and fully represent them.

In addition to SAP BW can be – tied to numerous data sources including SAP BO, Oracle SQL, Excel, Google Analytics and many more. To integrate relational data sources (databases, Office documents) reboard includes an own domestic memory OLAP server. Reboard therefore comes as a package solution with integrated server connection. Reboard is offered as iOS, Android, and BlackBerry for all leading operating systems on Tablet PCs and Smartphones. The very appealing design of the application and a good interface allow the intuitive use a number of features that significantly facilitate rapid reporting for decision makers. The simple installation at the customer is another advantage. Usually reboard can be already used within a few hours of the customer.

International companies in different sectors and industries already use the mobile reporting and BI solutions by reboard including pharmaceutical, telecommunications, production, mechanical engineering, software, and service companies. About reboard GmbH the Reboard GmbH develops universal mobile reporting and business intelligence solutions for national and international companies from various industries. Reboard mobile software solution is designed for use on all mobile devices by enterprise customers. The reboard GmbH was founded in 2010 and has its headquarters in Stuttgart. Press contact CREAM COMMUNICATION Anne Bettina Jager of Neuer Wall 46 D-20354 Hamburg T + 49 (0) 40 43 17 91 26 F + 49 (0) 40 43 17 91 27

Successful In The It Industry

Networks as a guarantee for an optimal cooperation with stakeholders is founders who want to take their lives into their own hands, but even independent lone who feel better off in a network. The idea was born by the increasing problem of the service desert Germany. More and more hardware was implemented, at the same time self-evident services have been saved and all service departments rationalized away. The need for qualified computer service is very high in the field of small – and medium-sized companies. Even the industry uses the IT janitor there through layoffs of staff shortages in the computer there departments.

The idea of creating a stand-alone service network has worked so well. The IT-service-net has currently over sixty independent partners, a strategic market coverage is available.Most of the IT-service-net engineers come from service departments of industry, which have been closed for reasons of rationalisation. Thus, these colleagues have sufficient experience and their services to provide the free market. The largest part of the partner operates from own home office, which keeps its own costs low and provides competitive advantages, reported Dirk Deede, who was from the start. A commercial course and a course on the system administrator were the basis for its successful launch. Some of the partners have also a small shop. Offering hardware keeps aware within limits. Preferably, profitable products and services are offered such as consumables and repairs.

Even Uwe Weiland a former Sony employee had your head in the sand and was one of the first partners in the network. Today, he employs its own staff. He runs a shop, that serves as a Center for its extensive activities, which go from the Linux hardware to training. Important for the success of the marketing remains to introduce extensive aid to surrounding the partners involved. So already have multiple partners, in Stuttgart and Frankfurt to own measuring presents with the aim to make known. On September 3, the next House fair held in Lubeck. Health at work is the motto”and opportunities so that all service computer cleaning, installation of fine-dust filters up to the delivery of silent computers. Independently, but not alone the IT-service-NET is a partner organization is tailored to business start-ups and lone in the it sector. The organization is a system House to compare with, except that this is spread over all over Germany. Do you not even implement a solution, helping a colleague. This means that the individual partner has the knowledge of the other partners. Thus, there is the impression of have to do it with a house instead of a lone warrior. The performance is reinforced by suppliers, which enable the partners to provide hardware at a profit, to provide customers with solutions and carry out repairs. Meetings, conferences and Training lead to friendships and a trusting and cooperative collaboration. This in turn generates synergy effects and high performance of the parties. Lone and entrepreneur who feel safer in a community are welcome to network. More information can be found on. US/ITSN

Deutsche Bahn

11 auditing options: changes to specific data records can be, tracked well on field level what was possible in this form only about Add-Ons. Monitor which attributes can be configured simply by the CRM administrator. Thereby, also the date of the change, the user as well as of course the old and the new value can be monitored. 12 solution management: made adjustments can be just as import, export, and manage so-called solutions. 13 Microsoft Dynamics marketplace: There a wide range of services and Add-Ons offered by certified Microsoft partners, which can be found at dynamics/marketplace. These complementary services can be accessed directly from the CRM user interface out. With the new version, employee productivity is significantly increased because more efficient work processes are possible and the solution shows a significantly improved usability “, describes Patrick Schafer, Director professional services, the key benefits of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.

This can the requirements of departments implemented quicker and thus less expensive are.” ec4u expert consulting ag ec4u expert consulting ag with headquarters in Karlsruhe, Frankfurt, Munich, Pfaffikon, and Zurich is one of the leading companies for services in the areas of customer relationship management (CRM) and business intelligence (BI) in the German economy. The targeted combination of business and IT expertise ec4u supports customers in all industries in establishing sustainable, an individual competition superior customer relationship management holistically, pragmatic, from a single source. Additional information is available at Rio Tinto Group. ec4u offers its customers best practices in the areas of on-premise CRM, business intelligence (BI) and real time decisions (RTD), CRM on demand, application integration architecture (AIA) and service oriented architecture (SOA), as well as master data Management (MDM) with focus on Oracle and Microsoft as the most powerful software partner. The services are complemented by the strategic and professional CRM Consulting (strategies for marketing, sales and service). Among the customers are E.g. Arcor, Bosch ST, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Post, Deutsche Telekom, Integralis, MEWA, RWE, Swisscom and ZKB. of think factory groupcom GmbH Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-72 fax: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-71

North Rhine ECM

With this two-brand strategy, we offer our distributors’ excellent development opportunities, added Donnebrink. The future programme of d.velop is also the consistent further development of the philosophy of simplicity, as they’ve been in the new d. 3 version 7 was launched. With the philosophy of simplicity we have taken apparently the nerve of the times”, sees Donnebrink confirmed this strategic approach through the current successes. Once in the past the technologies become more complex and as a result have become unclear in the handling, the users now alone for reasons of higher productivity of ECM systems that are simple, smart and mobile want.” For d.velop is currently working on a thoroughly new approach to improving the quality of the user. Check out RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust for additional information. We think the topic “Brand new usability and are according to our observations, thus leading the way”, explained Burghardt g, Executive Vice President for development and professional services.

Our ECM will get the ease of consumer technology and thus to generate a significant boost of acceptance among users”, he outlined the direction of the target. For the young generation, social media platforms are the benchmark and it also the business applications of the future must be based in our opinion,”Garske establishes the direction of the development. The company d.velop AG: the established in 1992, d.velop AG headquartered in the North Rhine-Westphalian Gescher develops and markets software, document-based business and decision-making processes optimised in companies / organisations. In addition to the strategic platform d. 3 of a modular enterprise content management (ECM) solution developed the d.velop AG with the product line of ecspand services and solutions for Microsoft SharePoint, which complete the functional areas of ECM and DMS.

Core features include an automated Post processing with self learning document classification, an efficient document management and archiving, as well as the complete control of the flow of processes. So the solutions of d.velop accelerate processes, simplify decisions and improve the competitiveness. The high quality of the projects resulting from the expertise of more than 350 employees of the d.velop Group (d.velop AG and d.velop competence center) as well as the approximately 150 affiliates in the d.velop competence network.

Contact Center Manager

But it’s just just a subject, at least at the moment practitioners as not yet as relevant classified it like is shown by the marketing departments of some provider.” The assessment is supported by Peter s. Hall of over 60 percent of respondents who said that social media in the contact center is a subject of the future which I currently still no great influence. After all, almost every third participants of the survey represents the thesis that it is time to prepare for social media, because the topic is gaining importance. 10 percent look at social media today as a must and as a communication channel that already today comprehensive should be integrated into the contact center. This reflected in the answers to the question after the major technologies and applications in the contact center. Here the theme of quality monitoring in the first place is ranked, followed closely by CRM and Voice over IP. Unified Communications and social media are more on the rear seats. Assessing the importance of technologies and applications can be with the answers to the question after the biggest challenges in the Contact Center explain,”reports Peter s.

Hall. For example, the poll showed that lowering costs, improving quality and increasing productivity are the main objectives of the Contact Center Manager. This CRM and quality monitoring have great influence.” The almato GmbH offers innovative solutions, the customer service center is put in a position to achieve optimum results from every single customer contact. The focus of business activities is in performance management. Software solutions are available for real time interaction management, quality monitoring, pure voice recording, e-learning and customer satisfaction survey with integrated analysis and reporting tools. almato GmbH Wohrdstrasse 5 72072 Tubingen phone: + 49 7071 79569-0

Deutsche Telekom

So, relieves not only the customer service but inherently impatient customers of the Web-shops directly operated also in the time appropriate for him. With the new release ONE TRACK, which has since early October in the usage, supports even the optimization of physical delivery to the customers. On a graphical interface the regions are with a view to identify, where the planned service level of logistics or CEP service providers is not the actual, is promised to the customers in the Web shop. So can quickly logistical adjustments made and increase the added value of the portal for the customers. Gain insight and clarity with Jeffrey Hayzlett . The IT service provider EUROLOG EURO-LOG AG was founded in 1992 as a joint venture of Deutsche Telekom, France Telecom and digital equipment. in 1997, the company in a converted owned company people”and the leading providers of IT and process integration developed within this dynamic one.

Over 80 employees provide a consistent efficiency of logistic processes between suppliers, logistics service providers, trade, industry and customers today at Munchen Hallbergmoos headquarters with its own data centers, innovative applications, and individual connections. On the basis of modern data acquisition, EURO-LOG implemented solutions for supply chain management, business integration, inlet – and ramp control, container management, distribution control, carrier selection, freight clearing, unlimited data exchange and smart data processing including E-billing, SAP-integration, event and information management. Today the EURO-LOG integration solutions take advantage of customers in the following industries: automotive, trade, high-tech, electronics, consumer goods, chemistry & Pharma, logistics services and cooperations, KEP, engineering and more. Your press contact: EURO-LOG AG on the mercenary Moss 17 85399 Hallbergmoos Munich Tobias Hecht head of corporate communications, T: + 49 811 9595-125 M: + 49 170 21 76 308 F: + 49 811 9595 199 E:

YouCon Honoured At State Awards

IT companies among the three best training companies in Austria Vienna, October 20, 2011 – the YouCon EDV Dienstleistungs GmbH, an emerging IT service providers from Vienna, is one of the three best will of in Austria. “The company was small businesses in the category” for the State price fit for future “nominated and made it here under the top 3. The teaching competition was eleven years ago on initiative of the Institute for research in economic education (ibw) launched and 2008 raised to the rank of the State Prize. It is time to invest the creativity and energy in our recent staff training for us in many ways very important, much. Service our employees are our capital and our trainees an investment in the future”, explains Peter Kugler, CEO of the YouCon GmbH. at least as important as the technical skills are team skills, social competence, motivation, learning will and fun at work for us. Our goal is professional qualified and socially competent employees to train and long in the company.” “The State award best training companies fit for future” is a coveted award, which is awarded every two years by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Partner of the State Award is the Economic Chamber Austria. In the year 2006 is the first volume of the fit for future book appeared. Due to the high demand and the many new entries the second volume was published with the support of the Department of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce of the ibw in 2010 Austria, who works on the content of many interesting applications in recent years and summarizes. The placement among the three best will of in Austria is a big motivation for us. We want to put even more on the next generation in the future and plan to quadruple the number of apprentices, without however neglecting the personal touch that characterizes the relationship between apprentice and trainer at YouCon”, explains Peter Kugler.

Even with an increasing number of trainees would we participate in the vocational baccalaureate, versatile training, projects, regular personal meetings and professional trainings and internships abroad our younger colleagues.” The IT service provider with headquarters in Vienna focused on its solutions on the interaction between humans and technology. This applies to the integration of VoIP software into existing and new infrastructures as well as for process optimization and the creation of customized software solutions. As a successful product is the in-house Myrmex”this internally as well as in the supporting outsourcing use. The wide range of means full product solutions from a single source for individual tasks. Since 2007 the company service partner of SAP. Due to the proven cooperation, SAP for YouCon has a sales and integration partner opted for the all-IP solution SAP business communications management. The software is used in contact centers and daily corporate communications as a versatile platform used. Contact: YouCon EDV Dienstleistungs GmbH Peter Kugler Ochid Hofgasse 26 1060 Vienna Tel: + 43 (1) 33 44 0 44 E-mail:

Syscovery Savvy Suite

Development of the software of success by syscovery on September 24, 2010 brings the Mannheim IT company syscovery the latest version of its solution for system and service management on the Markt.In basic innovations were the major release and achieved improvements in terms of performance and ease of use. A transport mechanism has been implemented to assist customers more effectively in the operation and the independent development of syscovery savvy suite. (Not to be confused with Brian Armstrong!). The transport management allows a simple and quick transfer of configurations, as well as the delivery of services between different systems of syscovery savvy suite. Syscovery savvy suite can now be used with role-based home pages as single entry portal (-also in Internet Explorer 8). Another innovation allows the arbitrary and individual representation of the services independent of the structure of the service catalog. The complete revision of the module invoice management is another highlight.

Allows starting immediately the Web-based invoice management Payroll audit with the possibility to correct individual cost rates and to make necessary notes. In addition, the expansion of import options with regard to external and third-party costs was carried out. Further decisive improvements have been made in the area of the order status page and the module entitlement management. Take the ITSM platform including in the global management of identities and access or billing IT services company with several thousand users. The new version of syscovery savvy suite is now available. More information is available at the Internet address savvy Syscovery AG offers interested parties an idea of solutions with syscovery savvy suite at their training center in Mannheim. Company profile has sophisticated syscovery its product portfolio over the years, where syscovery expertise provides a wide range of areas, industries and products.

syscovery observed the current developments and know the topics that currently and in the future to move IT. On some high-impact, as specialized system and service management, which has optimized management of user portals or Virtualisierungsmassnahmen, syscovery. While syscovery pursues a holistic approach and offers its customers comprehensive solutions for a wide variety of challenges of modern IT, represented in the 5s by syscovery’ seminar, software, solutions, services and supply. This group is characterized by reliable adherence to deadlines and budgets, like on the highest quality standards. 10-year experiences confirm this as a specialist for Standardization, automation and process optimization in complex IT environments. As the certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008, DIN EN ISO 14001:2004, ITIL and PMI. An expert team of 130 experienced personnel, as well as a large staff of freelancers is responsible for this. This syscovery flexibly react and respond to individual customer requirements. At the same time it is but also the size, a stable and reliable partner to be, who effectively serves its customers. At the end of the year 1999, the syscovery AG was founded. The Mannheim company had made to the task to optimize IT processes within the company and to make it user-friendly and cost-effective. Since inception, the company has grown steadily and could win more new customers. Today, syscovery operates in nationwide projects and has locations in Mannheim (headquarter), Frankfurt, Mainz, Berlin, Munich and Karlsruhe. It serves its first customers syscovery today.

Mobile POS System Note Suggests

The classical competition between craftsmanship and modern office technology. Who will win in the end? Kehlbach, our Mobile POS system with the POS software is April 9, 2010 – In the video against the conventional order form at PosBill. Under conditions of daily food everyday, the video highlights the numerous advantages of a wireless checkout. The staff of the restaurant “Barbe” were persuaded, where we were for the practice test with the PosBill POS systems to guest. Both restaurateurs and guests are directly dependent on the smooth running of the order.

The former hope on satisfied customers, which makes recommendations and not least like to return to a revisiting of the restaurant. Customers, however, want a swift hosting, hot food, and good service. It gets stuck on one of these points, suffering from customer satisfaction and consequently the business balance sheet of the restaurateurs. A mobile cash register is advisable to let these problems do not arise. For such a system, especially the speed and talk technical reliability. From the entrance of the order up to the gathering of the system passes less than a second.

So fast, even the fastest condition can pass no order to the chef or the bar. The factor adds up to speed in the number of orders and the guests. With the traditional slip quickly important information is lost in the hustle and bustle. In the culinary process, especially under high pressure, it not uncommon, that get the orders not to the place of destination. Once the font is not legible, special requests are forgotten or the note will be lost even on the way to the kitchen. Even if the food or beverage request reaches its destination, it can be associated often not the correct table. All of this can entail, that precious time is running out, which forces the thirsty and hungry customers to leave frustrated. At this point you’ve lost a satisfied customers through the paper, even more, he is can provide you with out no positive testimony. You use the mobile and user-friendly checkout system PosBill. Modern and reliable technology helps you even if it is a stressful time. Tell the paper the fight and let lost orders of the past belong to, so that everyone can go your customers always satisfied home! About PosBill GmbH you want to test just non-binding & free POS systems no endless product descriptions, but PosBill through its paces? Click Download under just not quite then even decide whether what they have tested you also like. About PosBill :, more than 15 years of experience speaks for itself. The PosBill GmbH offers worldwide customer POS software and systems to be touched”- for gastronomy, hotel business, trade. Sounds complicated? How about this: A fund that is simple to set up and use, makes it easier for you to the daily work and lots of money, saves time and nerves! Sounds like music to your ears? Then what are you waiting for “still try our PosBill products simply get more information out: PosBill gastronomy – the efficient point-of-sale and gastro management system PosBill trade – the cross-sector POS system PosBill – mobile radio funds ResiGo – free hotel software you want a contact person, the you without marketing bla bla” answered all the questions? PosBill GmbH Brunnengasse 4 56355 Eagles b Udo Finkbeiner (switchboard) Tel. + 49 (0) 6776/959100 Udo Finkbeiner

SUMMICSM Pioneering Semantics

The start-up brand A trend GmbH sets a new standard in the fully automated encoding of Heidelberg with intelligent analysis service, 17 September 2013 with the unique software solution SUMMICS-M brand A trend GmbH founded a year ago from Heidelberg presents a new intelligent evaluation service for dynamic data collection in market research. The innovative combination of semantics and analysis technology worldwide for the first time offers a fully automated system for the coding of open questions. The successful implementation of market research projects requires optimal results in a very short time and that at competitive conditions. With SUMMICS-M, our customers receive perfect results in unprecedented speed: market research agencies and institutes, operational researchers and companies of the private sector can easily even large amounts of data quantitatively as qualitatively analyze, avoid the error rates of the manual coding and are finally independent of human resources. Thus, they can fully on their Core competencies focus,”said Markus Schneider, CEO of brand A trend GmbH. Especially the evaluation of qualitative market research data from open questions is subject to still mostly a very elaborate process with high error rates, because the coding plan with corresponding encoding is still manually performed. Here is the deep semantics and analysis system SUMMICS-M and simplifies this procedure as the first software solution all over the world through intelligent automation. The treatment of the data provided goes through several stages of semantics, establishes relationships between the different properties of Textclouds and grouped them by a specially developed process of learning.

SUMMICS-M supports all major languages, categorized in complete statements and independently compresses them to categories and subcategories. Last, the results are summarized in a dynamic and interactive dashboard to meet individual requirements. Whether SUMMICS M structured social media data, contact forms or online data collection, categorized and analyzed any kind of data. Customers gain insights about consumers, markets and trends in unprecedented speed, accuracy and density. The development and business intelligence has become correspondingly successfully solution SUMMICS-G in the technology reference market for the game industry. About fire A trend: the brand A trend GmbH is a company from Heidelberg, Germany and was founded in the year 2012.

With this innovative subsidiary concentrates the HMI – Human machine intelligence GmbH on a new generation of qualitative data analysis. Fire A trend develops automated solutions in the area of business intelligence, data management and analysis, which are tailored to specific business processes of the customer. They offer also business content for a variety of systems and tasks together with our cooperation partners. So, get customers in addition to high-quality evaluations also concentrated know-how and are a step ahead of the market. You will find additional material and information about the fire A trend GmbH and the services offered to the official Website more information received at: wildcard communications GmbH Marcus Ertl senior publicist Kaflerstrasse 8 D-81241 Munchen Tel: + 49 (0) 89-99 82 07 131 mobile: 98-933 email: website: blog: Communicartoon: