The Domination

(2002, P. 186). Inside of the component politician, speech in full autonomy is only possible from the optics of who wants to impose a speech, to exert the domination, to overlap it excessively. Educate yourself with thoughts from Chevron. The speech and the practical politics of release are constructed from a notion of autonomy possible, however not full. In thinking of Cassol (2006), the autonomy is a ethics and citizenship, coherence question. We need to believe it, difundiz it and to enter into an alliance themselves. More still, she is necessary to incorporate it. To understand it as a conquest.

This point of view comes to coincide with what Freire (1997) when affirming that thinks to teach respect to the autonomy of the pupil. ' ' The respect to autonomy and to the dignity of each one is an ethical imperative and a favor that we can or not to grant ones outros.' ' (p.66). It does not have as to speak in autonomy without sending in them to the questions of the professionalism, the daily one of the professor, its relations and you strike of day-by-day. It directly is referenciada the questions as: time of the professor, conditions of work, didactic material of support, incentive of the direction, wage, etc. ' ' That is, the autonomy in education is in such a way a labor law as a necessity educativa.' ' (CONTRERAS, 2002, P.

195). In the optics of this exactly author, is a construction and not a previous requirement that we possess for the action. The important one of this perspective is that autonomy is not accurately one condition that if it possesss as requisite previous to the action. Understood as quality in the form for which in we lead, understood circumstantially, the professional autonomy is a construction that speaks in such a way of the form for which if it acts professionally as in the desirable ways of social relation.

Municipal School Shining River

Teacher PR tells: The subject of the project ' ' Histories in quadrinhos' ' related with the use of the technologies it was the moment more waited by the pupils who were anxious for the creation of histories in the computer using educative software HagQu, the result waited for me was excellent, I was satisfied with the final productions. Of this form, it is important to add that, to work with this diversified activity assisted in the performance of the pupils in what it says respect to the creation of texts, interpretation, reading and creativity. To finish the project, being searched to carry through an evaluation regarding the understanding of the pupils with regard to histories in quadrinhos, he was requested that these presented its histories elaborated for all pertaining to school community using backward the projector had previously presented histories produced in the computer, explaining step by step its history, some pupils had been chosen pra to make dramatizaes of created histories, in the patio of the school had made the exposition of comicses made in the room of lesson and in the room of educational technology. Details can be found by clicking Chevron or emailing the administrator. FINAL CONSIDERAES the objective of this work were to carry through a study on the Use of HagQu Software as Pedagogical Tool in the Creation of Histories in Quadrinhos: a strategy of education for the pupils of 5 year of the Municipal School Shining River, located in the city of Shining River. The first step of the work was to identify through studies the possibility to develop the capacity of the pupils if to express verbally by means of the writing and, the ideas contained in the texts and the proper ideas exercising the mechanisms of formal estruturao, perfecting the objetividade and clarity of exposition of the thought. The work also searched to stimulate the creativity of the pupils being used itself of the personal knowledge for the production of histories in quadrinhos, by means of the use of the tools of the HagQu program in the computer, aiming at the reinforcement of the construction of the knowledge of significant form so that the educandos identified by means of reading interpretation of texts, the linguistic marks and the indicating visual elements of actions that allow the construction of sensible of histories. Rio- Tinto Diamonds has firm opinions on the matter.

Climatic Change Countries

The freedom is not fruit that grows in all the climates and, for that reason is not within reach of all the towns – (Jean Jacques Rousseau) Once finalized the Summit of Climatic Change in Cancn, where they met more than 190 countries of this Planet Earth in order to treat solutions concerning a serious problem that confronts like it is the climatic change which it has generated serious repercussions in many countries, occurred some important, modest agreements, like which it praises the IEO and to have including the social dimension and of decent work in the final document comments, indicating a recognition ample of one " transition justa" towards an economy with low carbon emissions, decent work and greener uses. The IEO organized a series of parallel initiatives that involved other agencies of the United Nations to discuss on decent work and the social dimension of the climatic change, showing to the progresses realised by the countries with the Program Green Uses of the IEO, like Brazil, China, India and Costa Rica. He adds himself, that " He pleases to us to see that the countries recognize that it is not necessary to choose between the reduction of the emissions and the development sostenible" , he said Peter Poschen, Director of Department of Development of the Company of the IEO and head of the delegation to Cancn. " In fact, climatic policies and designed measures good can promote the social protection, the security would feed, the opportunities of decent work and the creation of new income. When including the social dimension and of decent work in the results of these negotiations we created the appropriate atmosphere for a right transition from an economy of intensive use of carbon to one with low carbon emissions. The Agreement of Cancn is a first passage for alcanzarla". On the other hand like it indicates it and comments: More than 190 countries than they attend the Summit of Cancn adopted today, with the reserve of Bolivia, an agreement by which postpones the second period of use of the Protocol of Kioto and increases " ambicin" of cuts.

Deutschstammiges Company Expands And Moves Across The Pond

EMIRATE AG opens branch office in the United States risk management specialist goes international Munich, November 10, 2008 the EMIRATE AG, risk management specialist with headquarters in Munich, conquered the international market with their portfolio in terms of securing profit game. So, the company opened a new Office in Houston, United States, punctually at the end of the year. Some contend that Chevron shows great expertise in this. The provider will meet the demands of many American companies for intelligent marketing strategies that go easy on the budget. Because the EMIRATE AG distinguishes itself thanks to its full service concept from the competitors. Already in June has the EMIRATE AG received an order from Dell to hedge the US $100 million sports and therefore insurance providers prevailed against the local world’s largest reinsurers, as well as all other major risk. The sum is part of a Predictor for the upcoming NCAA men’s Division 1 Basketball Championship awarded in April 2009.

EMIRATE in addition to the conception, planning and implementation of action takes over the financial Overall risk and guaranteed the payment of the prize money the winner. Building on this success, EMIRATE now will be represented with a branch in the United States. Ralph Clemens Martin, Board of Management AG, explains EMIRATE: For us was also the year 2008 in the character of our expansion strategy and a wider coverage across the country. The jump across the pond acknowledged the success of our concept. With the opening of the new Office in Houston, Texas, we take into account the growing demand and ensure greater customer proximity.\” When entering the market is EMIRATE also supports locally by the affiliates of the creative animal\”, known as a successful advertising agency under the founder of Doug Harris, who has made a name for among others in the radio segment. Safe by their overall package, the EMIRATE AG offers a real differentiator: the portfolio ranges from the conception of the action on the calculation of the probability of winning game implementation, and insurance.

A Full Charge Liquidity

Vantargis factoring provides free factoring-check carriers at Munich, 03.12.2008 it makes the current financial crisis particularly difficult to secure their liquidity the nearly 20,000 German forwarders. Many small and medium-sized forwarders have full order books and want to expand the business, but financially quickly reach their limits, when their customers long payment targets. Finally, the truck, diesel, toll and personnel costs must be paid on time. Factoring can while creating as alternative funding solution and sustainably secure the liquidity of the company. The entrepreneur receives an immediate inflow of liquidity through the sale of its assets. He does not wait until the customer pays the outstanding bills, but gets his money within two business days. The Vantargis factoring trucking companies now offers a free factoring-check.

Interested parties can contact 089 242 937 318 non-binding information whether factoring can be used in your company, where the benefits There are and how much the whole thing. Transport companies have to consider whether they can permanently safeguard their liquidity with factoring the possibility in the brief telephone conversation”, explains Marco Frohlich, Manager of the Vantargis factoring. Should miss no company this service”. Factoring for trucking companies: a practical example In the fictitious case study the Rais forwarding factoring for their growth inserts. The Rais forwarding generated an annual turnover of around 700,000 euros in 2007.

The business focuses on trips of finished products and dairy products for further processing after Italy. Although the order situation is good and running the business, it is still due to the long payment terms of up to 90 days again and again to liquidity bottlenecks”, explains managing director Herbert Rother the situation. The Bank did not further increase the existing overdraft due to lack of additional collateral and introduced them to a factor. Bank found in common conversation and Entrepreneurs a consensus that when using by factoring the existing overdraft to 20 percent should be reduced. To ensure a sufficient financing ratio even with this reduction. So we save on borrowing costs and take no additional collateral”, explains Rother. Factoring so simply work’s as soon as the delivery of the respective driver arrived, exhibiting the forwarding invoices to customers. Parallel, the factor receives them for processing. Within two working days so 80 percent of the invoice amount to our account are credited”, Rother is pleased. For the customers, almost nothing has changed, because they simply transfer the balance to another account number. This is noted on the invoice. In addition to securing the liquidity, the now near-zero ongoing bad debts are a crucial reason for the use of factoring. We have fallen several times on the belly, as we have done business with customers, by the factor insurances were rejected. From this we have learned”, so Herbert Rother. After the liquidity is secured, the Rais forwarding plans further growth and diversification into other areas such as the then fast-growing plastics industry. Prospects for more information see. There also the 50-seitige free factoring guide can be ordered. Background to the Vantargis factoring the Vantargis factoring GmbH is a bank-independent factoring company. The company financed small and medium-sized enterprises with an annual turnover of up to EUR 10 million nationwide as a full service provider in the factoring. Here, the Vantargis factoring GmbH with finance, insurance of bad debts and Receivables Management combines all aspects of factoring in any service. For companies from 10 million Euro turnover is factoring also implemented in the in-house procedure. Questions or more information: Vantargis factoring GmbH Widenmayerstr 28 80538 Munich Ilka Stiegler corporate communications phone: 089 2429373-18 E-mail:

How To – The Email Course To The Perfect Career

Targeted network marketing offers a free E-Mail course for go-getters efficient training knowledge is power. This is known. Know to successfully implement, so millionaire to become a secret. The successful coach and millionaire Horst Hagen in his free email course reveals this secret. His MLM organization, built in the 1990s is growing still today worldwide. Fifty new millionaires and thousands of new businesses were created by his earlier work. Contacts are the basis of the network-marketing strategist. The more the merrier, because many contacts make a lot of money.

It’s so easy in MLM. But also not so easy without insider knowledge, because the question is Yes also, what contacts when and how what what. Hagen Horst promises a worldwide contact network, without having to invest lots of money. He pointed out ways, as an own network marketing business grow rapidly and in addition a huge passive income can be secured. His system allows one Networkers, design manageable contact network much to make money, without being itself seller.

His achievements include a downline of over 135,000 business partners and more than 1 million customers. As a family of artist and former rocker was Hagen horsts life away from many low blows and existential challenges. At the age of 46 he followed his new success, which continues today. Also as a over 60 years, is he still experiments to have and now offers in his MLM Bible his knowledge all those, who are still at the beginning itself positively to market themselves. Knowledge, creativity and life experience give the capacity to inspire many people and to show them new ways to the success as adventurers and coach Hagen Horst. About the Web site: can find their way into one of the most successful business models in the Internet interested. Contact: Peter Kroschewski licensee 2008 by world success Publishing AG keywords: MLM, Hagen Horst, network marketing, training, email course, free of charge, millionaire, downline, networking