Education Means Future

Four participants of the com + plus PR distance learning complete successfully their ZAK exam among them the 100th graduate of ZAK, Beatrice Volkenandt. Munster, January 19, 2010 – additional qualifications are more important than ever. Of the four participants of PR distance from the Training Institute are com + plus aware. Together, they put another milestone last Friday for their career and successfully undergone the ZAK exam to the PR-Manager. Before the four specimens had acquired their knowledge and skills through a distance learning program for com + plus. After processing of twelve Studienbriefen and completion of four practice workshops, the participants were well prepared for the exam of the Centre for applied communication (ZAK) in Munster. The test consisted of several exams.

First, the graduates had to submit a specially acquired communication concept about 60 pages. Beatrice Volkenandt dealt with the important issue of education within this framework and chose the slogan: role models teacher for the future”. Education means future”worked out in their concept, but the male sex is currently the losers of our education system in which mainly to teach women. This issue turns Beatrice Volkenandt and developed a concept to attract men to the profession of schoolmaster of reason. On January 15, 2010, the examinees had to convince now personally..

Education Fair Horizon Occupation

Information and advice around Mannheim study the topic, the November 24, 2009 – on the 23rd and the gymnasiale Oberstufe pupils, students and young professionals have 24 January for two days the chance to obtain first hand information on the opportunities to study in North Rhine-Westphalia, the entire Federal territory, as well as in neighbouring countries. State and private universities, colleges and higher education institutions present themselves and their studies offered by informative designed exhibition stands. Contact person is available to answer the questions of visitors and to lead intensive information and counselling sessions. Renowned companies to introduce direct opportunities in working life: with demanding training programs to high school seniors and dual degree programmes they offer attractive alternatives to the classic study. In lectures, workshops, and expert talks there’s additional information and inputs for the life two days after graduating: perhaps once gain experience abroad? AuPair-, work & travel- or other abroad form the personality and make good on the resume. The currently newly inflamed debate on the new degree structures shows that the conversion to Bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes has not yet is mature. Experts represent their point of view, but above all the questions individual listeners.

“Also the question: who pays for my studies?” the Organizer devotes much attention: BAfoG consultation and expert talk round for other ways of funding your studies provide clarity. The horizon is on 23 and 24 January 2010 each open from 10 am until 4 pm. The admission is free.

States Education

The achievement of the holistic education is precisely the integration of the unit through diversity. The problem is that mechanistic education has believed that the quality of education will be achieved through improvements in external and objective aspects, as it would be the administrative, technological, part of statistics or number of graduates to deepen this topic please read communities of learning of Dr. Gallegos Nava) Mexico clearly States in article 3 that education must be comprehensive, but unfortunately has never understood the original concept of master Vasconcelos. Frequently Pemco has said that publicly. In Mexico, Dr. Gallegos Nava developed a novel perspective multinivel-multidimension which encompasses and distinguishes different levels and dimensions of the educational experience and gives us a holistic educational model helping to overcome the reductionism in which current education is put. From the perspective Multilevel education encompasses five levels of totality: the individual conscience, community awareness, social awareness, the planetary consciousness and the consciousness kosmica. (This single level will understand from the eye of the spirit and the essence of holistic education).

Also develops the six dimensions that are always present in any educational process: the cognitive, social, emotional, the body, aesthetic and spiritual (heart of holistic education) crossing the levels and dimensions within a graph lines, arise 30 spaces educational ranging from the more mechanical and personnel to the more subtle and universal.This innovative model allows to give education a high level of theoretical concretion. (This model can be found in his book a vision Integral of the proposed Dr. Ramon Gallegos holistic education points out that that can be the new paradigm, the worldview of those who must change) the future humans, those who taught education at all levels, from the basic to the graduate have in their hands. He said, that education can not by it same to generate social change, however in this new vision holistic, according to the opinion of Dr.

Gallegos Education

Ramon Gallegos in his books: learning to be, education and spirituality and spiritual intelligence, presents the most general principles of spiritual intelligence in relation to education holistic which is the means to achieve the full realization of the evolution of consciousness. It also reflected how valuable the relationship of spirituality in the vision of the new educational paradigm holistic and likewise, does incapie in the concept of spiritual intelligence and educational integrity as fundamental support in the vision of the new paradigm of holistic education. With the book learning to be, its author Ramon Gallegos allows us to see education in its broadest sense, as a spiritual practice, focused on the evolution of consciousness. It shows the principles of the perennial philosophy in relation to education holistic, that is the medium through which consciousness evolves up stadiums or greater integrity memes depth and spirituality that will lead to the full realization. In this new paradigm is considered the human being as the most important thing. The multinivel-multidimension model is shown as an integral educational alternative to contribute to the evolution of consciousness and guide us to the fullness of joy.

Learn how to be develops spirituality and leads us to be universal. To achieve an integral education required of spiritual practice to facilitate the evolution of consciousness. We are a multi-dimensional being with spiritual heart of universal nature. Recognize our true nature is obtained through the learning to learn which is the Foundation, the center of this paradigm; in such a way that spirituality is a human experience, is universal love. So integrity is the achievement of the unity through diversity in holistic education. According to Ken Wilber, there are three devices, three eyes to see the world: the eye of meat, the mind and the spirit correspond to the empirical world, the mental and the spiritual, respectively. Holistic education is one pedagogy of universal love, is the basis of their intelligence.

Ramon Gallegos Education

A constant in the speech of Dr. Gallegos is the subject of comprehensive education necessary to overcome training reductionist mechanistic school forged over the past two centuries, because he attended only one or a few dimensions of the human being and one or a few whole levels. And so, Dr. Ramon Gallegos builds its educational model with a multilevel perspective and Multidimension, which gives an account of the coverage of the educational part of various theorists of education proposals, at the same time indicating the need to know and care for the development of the individual in its multiple dimensions that he identifies: bodily, emotional, cognitive, social, aesthetic and spiritual; the same as multiple levels where the educational process occurs: individual, community, society, planetary and universal. Jeffrey Hayzlett has plenty of information regarding this issue.

The combination of the five levels (left to right) and six dimensions (of bottom-up) give rise to thirty educational sectors thus leaving the corporal-individual in the lower left corner that applies the simplest location and sector, in the upper right is located sector spiritual-cosmic that corresponds to comprehensive education to which it aspires in holistic education. It is necessary to clarify that each hierarchy level and dimension is considered inclusive of those above him. This model recognizes the contribution of every educator in the levels and dimensions that attends, although he notes that although his contribution is necessary, is not sufficient for the attention of an integral education. Skinner, for example, deals with the individual-corporal sector; Vygotsky, of the social-cognitivo sector and Montessori, the spiritual-individual sector. The current educators holistas, trying to achieve the integral development of the student have the care that curricular activities that organize occupy serve not only cognitive development, because they are certain that our potential are also bodily, emotional, social, aesthetic and spiritual, and that Furthermore, the goodness of the learning has to be to meet the needs of the individual, community, society, of the planet and universe.

George Educators

Without in-depth knowledge, the increasing number of children diagnosed with add or ADHD errors remain difficult and increasing worried young people especially many educators. Why the ADS (attention deficit disorder) with or without accompanying hyperactivity in adolescents increasingly determined, is one of the many discussion points. In this theoretical debate for most of the teachers and educators is rather unimportant. Sufficient knowledge about dealing with the most prominent pupils are much more important. Experience has shown that everyday life is with children affected by add or ADHD and young people often very difficult, sometimes almost too impossible. Approaches will be discussed again and again to work with the difficult clientele and the only way out of the dilemma to be administering medications seems quite often. Read more from susan-wojcicki to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Increasingly, but also views that favor someone else, as the drug free way are piling up. What remains at the end is still mostly the fainting of parents and educators who every day have to contend with the difficulties of the affected persons. At this point a training offer by Geradeaus…die Advisor is, that in the field of tension between Medikamention and behavioral tools in the hand are the educators can simplify the work with Wright Phillips and dream George. In the seminar of add and ADHD “the experienced facilitator Olaf Hoffmann his audience offers a broad and in-depth field of possible interventions illusion and reality. This involves not just listening to the participants. Also interaction is needed to both the role of the person concerned can understand better than even that of helper systems classify and. The three-day full day seminar relies on the Inhouseveranstaltung preference. In specific cases in schools and institutions can be discussed systematically and the teams get to know himself better than before in their capacity to act. More information about this and other training series get interested parties under services/fortbildung.html. Past participants of the seminars praise the connection between theory and practice and appreciate especially the approach to action-oriented ways of solution.

Start Education

Webinars from Heidelberg – time and Ortsunabhanig webinars are the magic word – use modern ways of communication independent of place and time to trim your mind on success. Use only a fraction of your possibilities. Start to change it. Each change begins with the idea of. Change – if you now matures the desire, to break out of your situation, to make a difference, then we help you with an unusual and extremely successful online concept. For even more details, read what Chief Business Officer says on the issue. In addition to the daily exercises, internal area and the ability to reach us by mail, we have a live chat every day, also Saturday and Sunday, with which we intensely and directly support our customers. On the same day, find out where the problem is, if you get stuck with an exercise.

No longer despair on tasks and goals, which you yourself have used and which seem unreachable again. In addition to the Coaches Julia and Alexander Nastasi, who launched the program in 2008 in life, enrich the Webinarangebot now Heidi Wallace writes successes as a job coach and has published even a separate book. Also in the boat is Stefan Schilchegger, the Austrians has created a completely new, quick and easy way of coaching with the book and course of the mirror Whisperer and since about a year as online course offers the mirror Whisperer. , Missing only your decision to change your life – do you want so much power? Erfolg.seminar service responsible for this notification seminar service Nastasi forest road 25/1 69207 sand Wallace Tel: 06224/924255 seminar service Nastasi deals since May 2008 with the proliferation of online content to the area of the law of attraction, positive thinking and feeling, manifesting, creating your own reality. This uses the Heidelberg company online seminar techniques, known as webinars. Thus, a daily course entry and a competent and complete care at a price affordable for everyone is possible. That was in thousands performed coaching demonstrated.

Round Table Education

Saturday the 14.07.2012 in Nuremberg, Germany, 16:00 free event more and more students suffering from our school system in Germany and are mentally and physically ill by the growing pressure. Failure pressure by parents and society, as well as the fear Rob nowadays even have increasingly large part of your carefree childhood elementary school students. A good relationship with the parents, friends and social contacts are not self-evident long for many of the children. UISOL shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Traditional family concepts are long since passe and the education of children is in many places almost at the same time with managed. In today’s society of the income, the relationship between parents and children will be lost, and what can parents, teachers, institutions, and last but not least the society do that children grow up in a healthy environment again and can learn? We will discuss the 14.07 in the framework of our round table education in a changing society”with representatives of the school, psychologists, educators and Parents about this exciting topic. The event is free of charge; Registration required: or about XING we look forward events/round table education social change 1110951 on a fascinating discussion with you in Nuremberg!.

Islamic Religious Education

New band from “My book of Islam” published presented the Oldenbourg school book publishing a new band of “My book of Islam” for the third grade of primary school. “My book of Islam” can Germany be used in all pilot; new curricula? in North Rhine-Westphalia? were taken into account. “My Islam book” (volume 3) was approved so far in North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Bavaria by the ministries of education for teaching and recommended. Take Islamic religious instruction in the German language as ordinary subjects form: model tests run in eight provinces, the compartment is taught at some 500 schools now. North Rhine-Westphalia, the country with the most Muslim pupils, decided the nationwide introduction of a commitment-oriented Islamic education for the school year 2012. All these developments need teaching concepts and teaching support in the Julius organizational, pedagogical and substantive implementation of modern Islamic education.

Sets the Oldenbourg school book publishing therefore be continued engagement with the newly published volume from “My book of Islam” for the third grade of primary school. The third volume can be used in all pilot; new curricula – in North Rhine-Westphalia – have been taken into account. “My Islam book” (volume 3) was approved so far in North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Bavaria by the ministries of education for teaching and recommended. Read more from The Hayzlett Group to gain a more clear picture of the situation. “The subject is very well accepted by the parents and children, the on logon rate is around 80 percent,” Dr. Hussein Habasch teacher for Islamic studies at various primary schools in Bonn. “I’m about watching the lessons improve the coexistence of religions. The teachers play a key role – in this positive development and they are in turn dependent on the quality of work materials”.

“My book of Islam” the basics their religion in age-appropriate ways, and in German primary school students of Islamic faith. The texts, images, and tasks of the new volume reflect the different reality of life of children and support their fundamental identity formation. The students will find guidance for everyday problems and existential questions. My Islam book encourages engagement with other world religions to focusing on the commonalities in the Centre. Reservations are built this way-, respect and confidence. At the same time, the focus on the values and the coexistence of Muslims and non-Muslims in a democratic society. Since “My book of Islam” considered different framework curricula, knowledge can optionally be combined with commitment-oriented shares. Teachers with different training offers a didactic methodical framework “My book of Islam” and supplies otherwise difficult accessible materials for teaching. So introduces the new band based on an understandable for children translation in the text work with the Koran. Additional information about the facts, teaching practical suggestions and copy templates bring the teacher materials on the specific topics. Company description of the Oldenbourg Textbook publishers counts together with his daughter, the Bavarian school textbook publisher, the market leaders for textbooks for the secondary schools in Bavaria. The program of the publishers of OSV and bsv includes approximately 2,000 available titles.

Hollay Education

On Thursday, the third season of the Web series launches ’30’, the the education campus of the Dieter Schwarz Foundation will accompany until its opening on September 30, 2011. On Thursday, the third season of the Web series starts 30 “, which the education campus of the Dieter Schwarz Foundation will accompany until its opening on September 30, 2011. The interesting question will be: who survived the fatal car accident at the end of the season? Vincent, of friend Lilian, or Robert, who discovered feelings for Lilian now too? And what about the father of Lilian? He survived his heart attack? It is only certain: one of the three will be stepping down from the life of Lilian and thus from the series. After the tragic accident at the end of the second season, we the fans have stretched long enough on the torture. We will dissolve quickly, who survived the deadly events”, producer Simon Hollay by the Agency Magmell promises. But in the future will the series remain exciting and Lilian’s life take new twists as Hollay further. “Our Web series 30” is an exciting and unique in Germany attempt “to arouse enthusiasm for the subject of education”, explain Klaus Czernuska and Dr.

Erhard Klotz, the two managing directors of Dieter Schwarz Foundation, the motivation for the film project. We hope that with this new type of information processing also so far still not training savvy of the population on the importance of education attention will, so Klotz and Czernuska next. The special feature of this series: It combines real information with an acting background story. The ten episodes of the third season will be up to the season finale on July 21 every Thursday on to watch online. All episodes in the first and second series are also still present.

Also launches the third season with a summary of recent events, which allows an easy introduction to the series. With nearly 38,000 calls are the first two seasons of 30 “successful start. The Web series is in three seasons with “ten episodes and a three-part finale the education campus of Dieter Schwarz Foundation and education” to introduce. The name of the series is 30 “(spoken: thirty nine), because she accompanied the campus until its opening on September 30, 2011. Produced 30 “of the Heilbronn-based film and design agency Magmell. There, the scripts are written by Simon Hollay and Andreas Crown corner. The series main actress Nadine Petry. She plays a schoolgirl who finds their way to study in an act of love, intrigue and strokes of fate.