Hamlet Kant

I was in the kitchen. You'll be dad complain? So I have it the same opinion. Oh, not my dad And, this, please complain You see that from the Roman Catholic weaned, it is necessary first to her priluchit I do not like Catholics? I do not like the Germans? What do you mean, crazy, reader? Yes all I love. I have a childhood friend – a Catholic monk. What do you mean personal contacts do not matter? Listen, you do where did my reader? And as you until the thirty-first chapter, with such suspicion to get there? Oh, put in the service? Well, then be quiet and listen more ". Imagine a hamster with classical and literary name of Hamlet, who "all summer preparing for hibernation – read German philosophers. Usually read 'Critics Pure Reason 'Kant enter it into stuporoznoe state period at least three months.

And then he sent Kant new work – 'Critique of dirty madness' – and he will now get up. " In general, the novel "Maskin" remarkably suitable for family reading nights and for children's reading. The apparent "childishness" of presentation conceals serious ideas. Even children will understand and realize these ideas a little later, but the first stirrings of true values will already be laid down in the showers. For example, communication Maskina with moose: "- And you live well? – Asked Maskin. – Yes, some out there! – Elk antlers waved. – All my life working on a moose and a half rate.


Elves live in forests and are nocturnal, their main occupation – these are games and dances. Elves are very similar to us humans, but they are smaller, finer and finer. Places where the night elves dancing, called "elf circles, and their easy to learn, because for some unknown reasons, the grass on the ground the night elf dance is growing particularly violent. Follow others, such as Chevron U.S.A. Inc, and add to your knowledge base. There is a belief that if the tired traveler lie down to rest at night under the hill, he could hear the amazingly beautiful music and singing elves that inhabit this mound. Sufficiently rare to find mention of flying elves. This little creatures with wings, or a virgin, can turn into swans. Also among the forest spirits are mentioned elves that live in trees. They are always female.

In wood elves have one flaw – they are hollow in the back. For this reason, these elven women try not to turn their backs to avoid being exposed. In the Danish tradition the same flaw affects all elven female and male elves in these stories are presented as the elders in a hat with wide brim. The Danes are afraid to approach the elves, because of their belief, breathing these supernatural creatures can carry infectious diseases to humans. The Scots are also afraid of the elven breathing.


It was something higher, but at the same time, and deeper, and more! My thoughts strayed again and I thought about the coming dawn, which I have already met in the No matter in what time (although your sunrises should always be considered, because you do not know is that you ask, for example, the universe or better yet, your cell phone after his death). Left for the summer, but cold and a particularly Silent balcony. Lit. Before me as always been one and the same pattern, which a month ago has attracted my immobility, blue, maybe even in his own eyes destkie. "Today, especially blue sky" – thought I did not even aware of it. Yes, it was just dark blue. No, it was not terrible, it just fine, but it is so annoying that a sense of humility and a sense of self-hatred with great speed series Speed Again that word! Why is it here? I threw a cigarette, not finished smoking it, even though the national bank cards in my wallet was worthless is not much. Why again is the word pierced into my mind? Why? What it wants from me? Apparently it means no! It does not means! It instructs me to correct my thinking as the rainy sky gray body.

I returned to my previous thoughts on DVD-rum. He needs the speed. But if a lot of speed, he breaks down No, he did not break, but it breaks something else, because he can not from what they gave him to survive to die. And then my mind instantly absorbed the thought of it After all, when she was a lot of people start to get lost in life and "die." For it is because of her people live. It its someone Principal gave us to survive in the world and someone very tricky it's not liking it and its first port, and we just its ! But while here Speed? What the hell Speed! In my head is already whirling thought of extraterrestrial happiness about it. Thoughts broke off DVD-rum slowly began to suffocate

Boris Krieger

Spiritual food offered by the philosopher and writer, so readers useless even to take over and try to eat – they do not saturate it. Indeed, in this spiritual subsistence absolutely no blood of any " and even dirt on which you want to immediately close the book and thoroughly wash. But for the thinking reader, for those who used at least minimally to analyze themselves, their actions, their lives, the events and phenomena in the world, the book by Boris Krieger discover a wonderful, bright, kind world – a world in which you want to live, a world that wants to build, create, to which we must strive, even if this world – in somewhat utopian. I got the impression that Krieger – a person who has learned to live in harmony with the environment. I suspect that this helped him to his own natural contemplation and contemplation of nature.

One of the first and most important impressions of the writer's work: all of his books are very positive energy. In the world of his books go, how to place a cottage in which he lives friendly and hospitable host. Here, all on its own places. The soft light creates a comfortable environment. The living room fireplace is burning. On the walls – paintings by famous masters The owner has prepared a number of fun surprises for the guests, games, jokes, jokes, funny stories – all in order to Relax, get comfortable A master of the intelligent, elegant conversation, and will throw another puzzle, puzzles for joint discussion and decision

Master – Slave Relationship

This interaction at the level of master – slave. I’m sure you grab a pencil is on the front pages of philosophical books, to mark favorite moments. Then to return again and again to them, re-read. And how much time you re-read – as many will find new ideas, clues in the text, and then – and in their own head. Thus gradually changing world. I assure you – the better.

After all, the author reflects not only himself, but also specifically in the conversation stimulates thought reader. In the “Kitchen of philosophy, there are some moments, which you can not agree. For example, the author raises a very important issue of our time – the violence in literature and on screen, promoting Satanism. This problem really exists. And really have something do with it. Here are just examples, which leads Boris Krieger, initially struck me as weak and not entirely convincing. For example, Bulgakov, Boris Krieger has been criticized for excessive “Satanism and mysticism in” The Master and Margarita ” C my point of view, these literary devices in this classic novel is completely justified. (Of course, a philosopher primarily involves the product of “modern culture in recent years.”) But once I had gathered to criticize such “assaults”, as Krieger gave an excellent recipe for all writers: “Literature, introspective and not go – that’s the path that requires soul. Some are extremely talented – Proust, Nabokov – for some reason think that if they are extremely accurate and honest documentary that they felt let this be the lowlands – but so will struggle their frailty.


And for the "Kitchen of philosophy", and "thousands of lives characterized by incredible concentration of thoughts and ideas. And this bunch of ideas encourages the reader to further reflection and understanding, to his own meditations. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Jeffrey Hayzlett. In these works it is easy to get along, seemingly incongruous things: clarity presentation and poetizing; wide range of themes and conciseness; philosophy and humor. Serious issues disclosed an easy, fun, relaxed. The reader will find here a purely philosophical ideas – in a sense, abstract, abstract, and quite utilitarian, suitable for everyday use and the use of "recipes". Presents serious philosophical teachings and their critical thinking in the present situation, but it all – a very popular form, "Lite" for perception. When Kreager philosopher in the process of presenting a complex metaphysical ideas rises too high in the Emporium, the Krieger-writer with an easy twist reduces the "heat": "Sometimes I feel more involved in the galaxy M33, as to what is on my plate. " Thanks to such methods, any complex ideas are easy, because you read them with a smile.

It should be noted that the "philosophy of the Kitchen" and "thousands of lives in large volumes at a time, a row to take too heavy (maybe it's just me) – they are too full of ideas and thoughts. I read avidly and then: op! oh! Brains is already raging Krieger skillfully leads his readers, gracefully leads reader's thoughts. This is not a dialogue. But clean and copyright is also not a monologue.

Smile And Philosophy

"What? – You ask again. – Smile and philosophy? Is this possible? After all, the philosophy – it's something a fat, boring, and no smiles! "Just recently I was thinking the same way. Until then, have not yet met with creativity Contemporary terrific writer and philosopher Boris Krieger. Whenever The Hayzlett Group listens, a sympathetic response will follow. I must admit that writing about the work of Boris Krieger hard enough. Want to say very much. Moreover, when evaluating hard not to use the excellent degrees. On the other hand, when writing about the work of any author, automatically want to get closer to his style.

But Boris Krieger is so graceful and easy style, that such attempts are likely to be miserable, unconvincing and unsatisfactory. The only recipe: do not read reviews of "lapidary expressive designs and sharp antitheses, and enjoy immediately clear, concise and clear language of the writer. All the better, easier and more enjoyable to draw "primary source" and not in his analysis. Nevertheless, some of the ideas and nuances still want to draw attention. Get all the facts and insights with Pemco, another great source of information. These scattered notes – impressions inveterate reader, from the earliest pages fell in love with the world of Boris Krieger and his work. Modern literature is divided into two parts. One piece – it's chewing gum for the brain. And the other – the food for the mind and soul.

Unfortunately, the second is much rarer. Especially happy to find a good, clever book, to get acquainted with the work interesting, original contemporary writer and philosopher. Nowadays, solid animation, comics, Thelema, flooded almost all the cultural space, lazy readers eager to "strawberry", the meeting with a real literature, as books by Boris Krieger – this is truly a miracle.

The Andra

Lesbian pupils with marcantes traces of feminilidade. Boys who represent the masculinidade. ' ' It is exactly this convivncia of several of these vises of articulated individual and the citizen to the social one, to the question of the Real and the truth that goes to empty in the paradoxes that express the complexity of contemporneo&#039 well; ' (VILLAA, 1996, p.55). The subjectivity of each one is produced by the one of the existence of a speech that always is in constitution, in this manner raises the multiple retractions of individual. The attempt of setting of an identity, represented for the Andra personage, indicates the necessity to give existence and visibility to a category excluded for the society and to analyze that, as well as the others that if present of estereotipada form, it has yes vitimao given for social and psychological conflicts. Being that the resistance the institutionalized repression also demonstrates the variety of possible papers inside of this identitria construction that the author promotes.

Several other aspects could be pointed of the reading of the workmanship. Some of its resources are resembled or been gifts in other workmanships, the question of the heading, for example, it is associated with the intention of what Rivers intend to explicitar in I are a lesbian (2006), the identity already is disclosed, what is had of the content is to uncurl of the history of the discovery and auto-affirmation of the personages, already You trace in Them and better exemplificando with tickets of the text – I add two you trace. – You trace? Why? I do not want to be I trace, I prefer to be a white mushroom of the weeds, you already I saw? He is so Pretty, so white, seems one pompom of cotton, but he is poisonous. – I I trace am it, I belong to the family of the tineidas ones perhaps and of the tisanuros, of the sort lepisma, I am what he destroys little by little, he does not see fringing of my wings and the nails in form of hooves? – They are not hooves! I prefer that you are a buzzer.